My first small grow. Advice


Active Member
As the thread says... this is my first grow. Im not trying to go big, this is just an experiment to see how it works and if it works well.. then what the hackit!!! Ill grow a little bit more!
I have one small plant which is about a week n a half into it... ( have the exact date written down somewhere) I am using 3 23watt 1600 lumen CFL's. I am just wondering if this is enough lighting just for the one plant. I have another fixture with 3 more 23 watt CFL's i could put above for more light. (if it is needed.) If i was going to add a couple more plants what would you recommend on lighting? Otherwise is my setup ok. It's nothing special. Just a 18 gallon tub with aluminum foil wrapped around the inside for reflectors. I have a fan in my closet to circulate some of the air inside and outside of it.
Suggestions please!!!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
ok, yes cfl will work for your one pant but you really shouldn't use foil for it heat up and also dont mist your plant with the lights on it cookes he plant where the water sits. also your plant looks a litle fadded it may need a little more nitrgen what kind of soil are you using, if you were to do more plants say ditch the floros and go with a hid light if you most stay in that compact spot then a little 150 would do for 2 plants


Active Member
i used 7 flourescent light to start 11 seedling and they are doing lovely right now! lights of america is great and there cheap but lin like a week um going to upgrade and get 400-watt metal hallaid! but your plant lokks great becaue i am a first tyme grower too evry little helps!


Active Member
oh and ill take tips on any thing ill go to the g-store and get it for sure plz let me know what i dont and i know a lot! i am no expert but i read alot and bought the marijuana horticulture bible you need if your going to atempt a grow operation for sure but have fun with that peace!


Active Member
did i mension that the flourescent light i bought puts out 75 watts and i bought 7 of them you add that up!


Active Member
I am just using mericle grow. but i think i need to transplant it. what kind of soil should i be using? And for the nitrogen factor will new soil help or what should i do?


Active Member
oopssss!!! and i forgot to ask if i shouldn't be using foil what should i be using for reflectors? ( or are reflectors really necessary for 1 plant?


Well-Known Member
If you put the CFLs horizontally, you will get more light on the plants, but that just don't seem possible with your current set up. For some more plants? Just throw 3 or 4 more CFLs in there :D

For reflectors, Mylar is good, just don't use aluminum or tin foil!


Sector 5 Moderator
I don't know about the N def; I think it looks more like Mg def. Add some epsom salts (about a tablespoon to the quart) to your water next time and see if the yellowing doesn't go away. N is easy to overdo; Mg is very forgiving. MG soil sucks but if you use the Organic Growers Choice and add some blood meal, bone meal, some diatomacious earth, and dolomitic lime you should have a very premo medium. You *will* have fungus gnats with the MG soil; that is what the D. earth is for; it kills the little scumbags.


Well-Known Member
Yes i know plenty ofpeople have grown in mircle grow but me its not somthing i would get i would go with a good orgnic soil or sem organic if anything fox farm sels really good organic soil also has jus differnt part so you can make the soil just how you want it


Well-Known Member
If you cant get mylar go for panda film... The 6mil black on one side and white on the other poly film... Its cheap and easy to work with... Most hydro shops will sell you a 1foot bt 10foot piece for around a dollar... No need for a whole roll...

If you cant get either flat white paint is good too...

I use 6 23W cfl's for 1-3 small sized plants... I would go 8-12 for larger yield with some of those in side lighting as well as top lighting...


Well-Known Member
I used Kilz white paint on the walls. It helps reduce any type of mold as well. White reflects the light back better without the heat. If your gonna use CFL's then use the other one you have as well. The more light the better! I use M/H for my Vegg...see the results...Good Luck with yer babie! This is my first grow as well..

