My first try...


This is my first try at growing. I wanted to make a single plant grow box, very small, very cheap, and very discreet. Not sure how well it will work yet, but I'm looking forward to your comments and predictions.. and I'll try to keep thread current!

So far I have about $100 total in this system - the box, hardware, lights, etc..

With a power meter, I estimate at 12/12 lights, the box costs about $18 per month to use. $27 per month with 18/6 lights.

My biggest question is..... 3 weeks veg + ?? weeks flower = ?? grams of pot.

Veg was 3 weeks - but during that time I build this box, started from a 40w incadencent in a cardboard box (only for a few days!) when I first bought the $10 clone (Wonder Woman, if that matters). The next two weeks were under the incadecent and a 23w CFL. Then this box was built, veged for just a few more days, and now have just started flowering (12/12 lights) a few days ago. In the future, I plan on only vegging for 1 week - if at all.

Anyway, I've read on these forums a ton the last few days, and just wanted to post my own little experiment here and see if i could get any useful info relevant to my own grow.. Thanks :)

Personally, if I could quickly cycle this box, starting with a new clone every 6-8 weeks - and get about 2 ounces from each single plant harvest.. I'd be a very happy man. Of course, if I only get 10 grams after three months, I'll still smoke it :)

Here is the grow box in my bathroom, closed.

From the front view

This is inside the lower section of the box, thats a towel hanging their, the bottom is in a pan of water. Basically, adding this increased humidity to about 55% (up from 25%) and reduced temperature from 85 to 72. The main ventalation fans blow into the bottom of the box, evaporates the water, flows to the upper portion of the box, and is vented out at the top.


The full box is about 31" tall, 12 inches wide and deep. There are 8x 100 watt CFL's (4@ 2700k and 4@6500k) in there, in 1 sq foot of space = about 14,000 lumens = 40% more lumens per square foot than natural sunlight.


The fans and vent holes in the back are shielded, but still spill off a lot of light.


The shelf holding the four bottom lights and the plant, can go up and down - the top section of the grow box can be adjusted from 12" tall to 24" tall




Basically, when it's turned on (timer controlled, of course) and you open the door, I swear it's worse staring at the sun with a pair of binoculars on a clear blue day.




And an extra $7 in hardware to comply with my State's law. ;)



Well, I had to make a few changes. Having the 'shelf' hold the pot and the lights just wasn't working, not enough airflow, and temps were getting too high (85+) and with the reduced airflow, I was getting little evaporation and still not enough humidy...

Anyway, you can see the changes I made to the shelf, basically it just holds the lights now. I'm thinking, if the plant gets tall enough, I could even add a third row of lights, and finish this grow with 12x CFL's.... hmm..

Anyway, I'm still looking for ANY and ALL advice.. this is my very first try to grow :) Hopefully I can fine tune my techniques (with y'alls help) and get to be a self-sustaining smoker!

My goals are (in order):
1. Have fun
2. Learn something
3. Don't let my kids catch me
4. Spend less money growing than I do smoking.
5. Don't spend more time than with any other 'hobby'.
6. Produce one to two ounces per month on average.

If anyone can give me any advice to help me better accomplish my goals with this (very meager, maybe pathetic?) grow attempt, I'll be very greatful :)


Here are some pics, been about 4 days in flower mode (12/12) and I am starting to see some of her girly parts :) :) :)

SDC12125.jpg SDC12122.jpg SDC12121.jpg SDC12119.jpg SDC12124.jpg SDC12120.jpg