my firts grow . 1 plant


ok so this is about 2 weeks old and i keep it under 24/0 light schedule . i will be switchin the time wen i get some cfls to add in . i water it about once every 2-3 days , wenvere its dry to the touch . i also am running 2 little fans in there . will get pics of grow box and plant as soon as i can


Sounds cool man, im currently on my first grow Veggin 3 plants under a 300W CFL Bulb take a look if you like. What Lights are you currently using now? Also are you going to use any ferts or anything?


i am currently using a flourescent light i think 25w or sumthing .... i want to use ferts but ive heard of all these ferts and i dont noe which ones to use lol ... im probly just gonna go to canadian tire and pick up some miricale grow and see how that works