My Garden Pix Grows As Of Today n...


Well-Known Member
The Plant on the far left came from a bag of seeds labeled BEE'S KNEES . I guess it is going to flower eventually because it is suppose to attract Bees to your outdoor garden . There is a Sunflower also on the left side of the photo .

IndoorGarden10x20inches (1).jpg

The next Photo have 2 Habanero Hot Peppers Seedlings that are about one month old after it spouted . The germination of the Habenero Seeds took a long time to germinate , and I had many attemps of germination until I finally succeded to germinate some Habanero Seeds .

Indoorgarden habanero seedlings (1).jpg

Next is the third photo of experiment of alternating layers of Perlite and Coco Coir .

In the middle of the photo has a Folger's Instant Coffee container . I am doing an experiment using alternate layers of Perlite and Organic Garden Coco Coir grow medium , The top layer of Coco Coir I have put in about 10 Catnip seeds . Catnip looks like a Mint Plant when it grows and I think it is part of the mint family , The grow medium was was mixed with water and Liquid Indoor Plant fertilizer ,
Then I let the mixture sit for a week to give the Coco time to absorb the water and liquid fertilizer and letting the mixture of the medium to dry about 50 % to the best moisture level to add seeds to . I am keeping the screw on cap of the Folger's Instant Coffee Container on initually to keep moisture level constant until after the seeds germinate and sprouts breaks though the top layer of Perlite . The Label on the top says April 21 ; and Catnip ; which is the date of planting the seeds .
I am guessing that the Catnip Seeds in the top Coco layer will sprout and break through the very top layer of Perlite which is above the highest layer of Coco Coir , Once the seedlings spout and break through the Perlite on top I will relmove the Folger's screw on cap until the plant grows up and gets old and dies .

indoorgardencatnipseedsgerminating (1).jpg

The idea I got for layering Perlite and Coco I got from member BB84 Well Known Member Original Date of his post May 30 , 2020 . I read his post about 6 months after he posted the post below . Although his post only mentions adding Perlite on the bottom or the top or both , It led me to the concept of having several alternating layers of Coco and Perlite which I am trying so that I can get more oxygen to the roots and a faster drying time of the Coco . And I would like to thank BB84 for his post for stimulating my imagination to develop a system that dries Coco Faster and Adds oxygen to the roots and is cost saving because Perlite is less expensive that Coco .

Well-Known Member BB84
May 30, 2020

This is BB84 post from May 30 , 2020

Hello, im currently doing a windowsill grow and need to know how much perlite to add to the soil and do i add it in layers just at the bottom or at the top?


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The container that is below the Folger's Instant Coffee Container is for a later project for a transplant for a large seedling to change homes to a bigger container .

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New Pictures April 29

2 Large Habanaro Seedlings . Above the 2 Large Habanero Seedling are 2 very small Habanero seedlings , The Folgers Instant Coffee Jar on the left wedged into a tall Styrofoam Plastic Container is a layered experiment , alternating layers of Perlite , Coco Coir and thin layers of Prefertilized Coco ; I have planted 10 Catnip Seeds ( very small seeds ) and I have very low hope of germinations because I do not have a heat mat but I do have a small humidity dome on top . I have had almost zero success germinating very small seeds , like the size of the poppy seeds on bagels and they all seems to be the same color , ( almost black ; but different plant species ) . Alot of the seeds I bought are very small and all look about 3 times bigger that the period dot at the end of this sentence . Perhaps 1/40th of an inch in diameter .


2 Tall Sunflower Plants and 1 Unknown Tall Plant of far left and another unknown plant at bottom middle . Looks like a Milkweed but it is not .


Unknow plant looks like a Milkweed kind of but it is not .


The same 2 Habanero Seedlings , but from a 45 degree angle .
At the bottom are a few Wildflower small seedlings .


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