My girls stopped drinking...harvest time?


Active Member
I've got some bag seed plants 3 females that are at about 8 to 9 weeks into flower, the colas all the tric's are going from thick and cloudy / white to amber, and the leaves are all starting to point up like they are trying to hug the sun... along with 2 days ago all unnecessary fan leaves are yellowing, and she stopped drinking water ... (was drinking a gallon a day for the last 2 weeks. Think they are done? I'll try to get pics up tomorrow...just seems like from what I've read and know... they are ready. I harvested 1 today that all the tric's have turned amber, the other two still have some that are cloudy white.


Well-Known Member
well, it probably isnt as hot for one, so you don't need to water as often. plants don't use as much water right now as they do in the middle of summer. either way they don't just stop "drinking" unless they are dead.