My Grow room is huge but


Well-Known Member
I growing out of a large space but there is no way to have ventilation, will this be a problem with only a few plants?


Well-Known Member
depends on:
size of enclosed area,
size of light,
temperature of room now,
humidity of room now,
how many plants you want to pack in there,
how big you your going to have them,
are you going to add co2,
are you going to use an air conditioner,
are you going to use a dehumidifier,

if i am to guess at the answers given the most likely id say if you can enclose an area inside your room and you could vent out into the main room and the main room has a window and your lights wernt too big and your area isn't too humid or hot you may get away with it


Well-Known Member
400w MH with 150hps
average humidity 25
temp never gets over 85
about 5 plants tops
2 fans

what you think?


Active Member
sounds like it shouldn't be a problem, use oscillating fans and make sure to have lots of air movement, if you do that you should be good. good luck dude!


Well-Known Member
yeah man just get some fans to keep constant air movement and you should be cool keep us posted dude


Well-Known Member
i agree, but if you have an enclosed area you need to have an exchange of air as humidity will build up and condense on walls and turned off lights, not very safe. with a relative humidity of 25% you have a great advantage there. my humidity in my home is usually around 65%, keeping my grow boxes under 80% is no easy task.
a good supply of fans will keep it in check. i find the small 6inch clip on types are brilliant


Well-Known Member
Also, while constant ventilation isn't a requirement if temps/humidity don't make it necessary you will need to make sure that 02 (for respiration) and CO2 (for photosynthesis) levels are sufficient. The plants natural processes will take care of some of that, but in a hermetic chamber that usually isn't enough.


Well-Known Member
Why dont you just build a small cabinet and keep in in the larger area if you want to have more control of the enviroment? just a thought peace


Well-Known Member
I believe i've come to the conclusion of having an exhast fan built into the celing of the closer that come on when you turn the light on.

But i have to wait until my next grow.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well define huge Im assuming something bigger then a 20 foot by 20 foot room to have you saying huge as that a big room but not huge


Mr I Can Do That For Half
So its not really big. You have no walls or cielings or roof accessable to add a simple 4 inch inline fan to intake and out take? Fesh air in that size room will be needed unless you just use something small like a 400 watt light.If its under 400 watts of light then your ok just keep a fan moving the air 24/7 and when you can open the room to do an air exchange.I did see you said temps are 85 which is too hot unless you keep the co2 ppm count at least 1200-1500 ppm


Well-Known Member
So its not really big. You have no walls or cielings or roof accessable to add a simple 4 inch inline fan to intake and out take? Fesh air in that size room will be needed unless you just use something small like a 400 watt light.If its under 400 watts of light then your ok just keep a fan moving the air 24/7 and when you can open the room to do an air exchange.I did see you said temps are 85 which is too hot unless you keep the co2 ppm count at least 1200-1500 ppm
Actually your right I use a 400w MH with two fans, thanks for the info! :)


Well-Known Member
yea do what i did i baught beams and plaster boad and made my own grow room in another ooms is a lot easier and u get a better efect, the only reaosn i wud use the whole room would be if i was growinf 100 plants hehehe

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty new to this but I've spent hours upon hours reading, and I like to think I'm pretty smart. I would just put as many plants that would comfortably fit, put some cfls around the outside, set up a couple fans, get some co2 thingy in there, and open the window a few hours at night during the dark cycle. or just open the door when you can, if you don't have a window or can't open it or whatever.


Well-Known Member
be carfull when not using an extractor and just using a window. the smell doesnt always go in the right direction. it can blow in the window and fill your home with a skunky stink. i like the smell but not when my postman knocks on the door