My Harvesting and curing method..Is it kosher?


Ok, I grow about 30-50 small plants on my balcony every year, I keep them small(about 1-5 grams each) because...well because..Anyway, I hang them by the gram, in a box on a string for 4 days, and then jar them in small 1 gram butterfly jars, opening once a day for 3 days, then I smoke..Weed taste great, but am I curing too soon? Mind you I dry them by the gram, Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
4 days sounds good to me, though if you could stretch it another day or two you may notice an improvement. passed that your sounding fine. remember to leave whatever you dont need immediately for smoking in a dark cool place and let it continue to cure. most will say 2 weeks of unopened curing is about the mark for decent bud, but of course months is better. you say it tastes great, and thats good, but how does it smell and look? those are the 2 other primary aspects that curing will change.