My humboldt seed organisation trainwreck two weeks intio flower

Hi everyone! Pretty new to the site so still kinda stumblin around with this stuff lol but this is one of my girls i been growin indoors original roots organic, five gallon bucket, under 1000 watt hps. She vegged for about five weeks and four days under 1000 watt mh was 17 inches tall when i induced flowering 12/12 she is now 22 inches tall and growing lol. Going to put up more pics have a greenhouse seeds white widow doing great a HSO chemdawg and a afghan kush all flowering together my camera batteries died so getting more and will have them updated as well. Thanks for looking would love to see everyone elses if their growing one of these or anything their proud of would love to see them too!


Active Member
Growing some trainwreck as well. Looks the same def an indica Dom hybrid. Mine seem to be a little finicky on nutes, what about your girls?
yea its funny you ask today i noticed a little bit of curl on tip of leaves and very slight burn on tips. Im feeding fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom but im feeding heavy with the tiger bloom so im going to cut back. got a little concerned though i have been having a terrible time with my afgan kush terrible leaf curl she looks like hell and im worried about her herming on me.


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Havent even popped any of my Humboldt Seed Organisation freebies. Maybe in 2014 with a Acapulco gold and Killing Fields run. Plus living in Humboldt for most of my life those free beans are on my low list of germination of existing seed stock.


Well-Known Member
Rotfl I am not as good as others when it comes to journals. I do post pics up from time to time. I am lazy at smoke reports too. I usually plan grows a year plus at a time sometimes subject to change with single seeds from various breeders and not the actual main strain run.
I have a really hard time growing all one strain i get online and im like a kid in a candy shop gotta grow em all ya know lol! I have never been organized i think ill just throw some pics up when thier growin keep guys informed leave it at that.


Active Member
Ya dude, my trainwrecks were very sensitive to nutes. I am using the DYNA line up, and I have so far gotten good results with it. I ordered a total of 5 seeds, 4 germed, and I have 3 keepers that are in my flower room right now. The 4th plant which ended up being the weakest got burned earlier on, I think it was either a Mg overdose or nitrogen burn. Either way, that girl is outside now. Both of HSO trainwrecks both had some decent stretch to them too, both about 2.5x once I flipped them into flower. Flowers just started to pop up, so I am curious to see how it produces


Well-Known Member
Good stuff man. I've been impressed thus far with all the HSO seeds I've popped.

I'm running Trainwreck and Chemdawg from them.
I didnt nute them at all through veg just started i think iv fed them about three times now but i been overdosing on flower nutes on purpose going to cutback now trainwreck is the only one that is showing signs of overfeeding just playin around with them and my trainwreck is now 25 inches she is towering but she is growing great my white widow is just really bushy and about 18 inches kind of a weird grow room right now lol iv been really digging my trainwreck but my chemdawg is really thin about the same height just thin i would love to see a pic of yours mikejhh i think i just got a bad pheno thanks kBAKED i appreciate it man


Active Member
Jumpingbean, I have a few HSO trainwrecks in my Grow Journal thread if you would like to compare. I will say almost 4 weeks into flower and they smell pretty good. :D


I am very famillar with Afghan from past experience. I would suggest you flush the soil. The Afghan Strain is somewhat sensitive to having to hot of soil. I was using fox farm ocean forest and i will never buy any soil that feeds again it tends to cause nutrient lockout and burn the plant. Your Train wreck looks great but looks like your RH might be low since the leaves are so dark and possibly excess nitrogen but all in all looks good.