My indica is growing very slow it's 1.5 inches after 12 days. But looks healthy. Why


Well-Known Member
I was thinking it's ph level is too high I have been watering it with bottled water to avoid acid water since I don't have a ph meter. Will boiled water be good? Free of acids? Id like to know why it's growing slow and if boiled water is good...thanks!


Boiling water would end up making bad water even worse, because all the crap stays in the water left in the pot. The pure water evaporates.. also bottled water isn't necessarily better than tap water. In fact the majority of bottled water is just tap water anyway.

Make sure you aren't using too much nutes at first. You can end up stunting the plant without it showing signs of nute burn. With my seedlings, i don't like using any nutes within the first couple weeks, and will start fertilizing after 2 weeks has passed or if the cotyledons start turning yellow.

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Aerate some tap water with a air stone for a day. Best water you can get. Free too. Boiled water would not be best.
Agree with ASFx, your bottled water is just most likely "purified" tap water.
Get yourself a ph meter, even the ph strips work.


Ya cut down on the nutes a bit. It's already got some nute burn. Also make sure you're not overwatering. That will also slow growth. Wait till the pot gets light before you water again.


Your seedling don't look too bad for 12 days old. Don't get in a hurry or you will end up doing more harm than good. Always remember your plant only NEEDS WSS. Water, Soil and Sun. My cousin had 5 seedlings outside last week and the tin he had them in had frozen water in them from when it rained and then dropped below freezing that night. They are still alive. There are alot of "WORST" things you can do to a plant and stunting it's growth in my humble opinion is the best "WORST" thing you can do. If you plan on having fun and raising that seedling into a big bud havin bitch, get yourself $10 by saving pennies, cashing in aluminum/copper into a salvage yard, borrowing it, or pawning your T.V. Take that ten bucks to walmart. Go to the gardening section and look for the Pool suplies and grab yourself either the PH 3 in 1 test strips or the 6 in 1 PH test kit with the phenal red drops. Then you can give your baby some luvins. If yer ph is too high add baking soda if it's too low add vinegar, then test it again. Rinse and repeat until you get the ph you want. I have a 2 month old plant that should be in flowering right now but it's not cause i stunted it's growth by putting too much "Human intervention" into it lol. You will learn as you go but def get yourself some kind of PH tester. You said you arent using any nutes so IMO your soil is puching your seedling in the face. If after you get your PH right and it turns out your baby is on day 30 and 5 inches tall, your soil is the culprit. I do not trust those soils with fertilizer in them that "Feed over time". Anyway, i hope all goes well for you. Happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
I don't have money really. But I'm not gonna go into details. Got kicked out for telling...but thank you very much I will do as you said trust me if you lived next door to me would never buy weed as long as you lived! Unless mine was shit


Thank you sir. money and the lack there of is my problem as well. If i had lots of money i would buy some HID lighting and build a garage specifically to grow weed. I hate thieves and i won't endorse stealing. But theoretically speaking, if you happend to know a thief, mention to him that you need a PH tester. Do not do anything to hender your own reputation. AND, again theoretically speaking, if a thief does steal a PH tester for you do not tell him what it's for. He will steal your plants the first chance he gets. Make some shit up if you have to. Even thogh i mentioned to you to have a thief steal you a PH tester, highly consider ignoring it. Thieves are the scum of the earth and all need to be sat down on a wooden bench and a nail driven in their ballsack, then pushed backwards.


Don't and I repeat DO NOT have someone steal you anything and your plant is stunted and burnt because your using Miracle Grow. Miracle grow has slow release Nutrients which is the total opposite of what you want for growing weed. If you don't have the money to grow then don't it's frustrating and not worth your time, effort or little money you have just save your allowance and buy a gram or two each week and smoke it like it's the last bag you'll ever get.


What kind of soil are you using Bro? Also, I wasn't trying to be an asshole when I said you shouldn't grow it's just that my first grow I had like a 100 dollar budget for the whole grow and got a half ounce tops it's just not worth it. It's not that fun to grow weed either it's takes So much time and the ability to learn from your mistakes.


Well-Known Member
It's a good thing to get experience from though...I'm using expert gardener potting soil feeds up to 6 mo. Npk is 0.07 0.01 and 0.03. Holy he'll I just realized. Thts low And I wanted to use some slow release plant food and it's. Scotts and it's npk is 10-10-10.


Just make sure you only feed them a 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon of water. One question why would you want a slow release fertilizer?


Active Member
Something you didnt mention, how big is the pot its in? If its in a starter cup it really doesnt take long to out grow it...


Well-Known Member
It was abOut 8 inches. But it don't matter sister got mad cuz she thought I took her phone so she went and ripped out and flushed the indica down the toilet...then she realized she left it in my room and alll she had to say was oops when I spent well over 30$ on shit ):