My Leaves Are Turning Yellow! WHY???


Active Member
My Plants are only about six to eight inches tall but i just used soil out of the flower beds and my leaves are turning yellow or some have yellow spots. What can i do about this?? I would love some constructive criticism!!

Thanks a Bunch
DaNk :weed:


Well-Known Member
Well its probably something to do with the dirt you used, there could be all sorts of reason.

The dirt might not have any nutrients left in it now.

The dirt might have pests and diseases.

The dirt might be to acidic or alkaline.

The dirt has too much nutrient.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
if you used soil from outside then keep the plant outside or you'll just infest your indoor grow. use multi compost mixed with perlite for indoor grows.


Active Member
Also i have six plants and they are all in the same pot and the pot is only about 7" deep and 8" width should i try to transfer?? I heard that the roots are 2x the size of the plant is that true


Well-Known Member
Also i have six plants and they are all in the same pot and the pot is only about 7" deep and 8" width should i try to transfer?? I heard that the roots are 2x the size of the plant is that true
I think we found your problem.

6 plants are competing for nutrients and soil and moisture. At the size they are at now you would do well to seperate them without any stress, but it is something that is going to have be done, either that or you pick whichever females looks best and chop the rest.


Active Member
I'm a first time grower and my plant was doing well in my garden,and then when i moved it into a pot (5 gal) the lower leaves started to turn yellow and fall off. I was feeding it up until then. Should I cont. We're in a drought so I'm pretty sure its not getting over watered. I've read several different opinions just not sure. I'll have pics later.

Please HELP!!!


Active Member
Well one more ?. What is the best potting soil i could use and should i transfer the biggest one into a 5gal bucket? Well if i do move it should i take all of the soil out (but keep it in form of the pot it was in) and plant it with the new soil so i dont put her in shock..I hope you guys kinda understand what i am trying to say, if not i will try to explain it better.


Active Member
im sorry about posting in this thread i thought it was the same one i put up a few dayz ago but snewp im having the same problem...But mine arent near as big mine are only about 8in tall


Well-Known Member
im having the same problem to, my bottom leaves are a pale yellow. i could do with some help. this is my 3rd grow. my other two grows died aswell :(
Another thread I read said it could do something to do with heat stress. My girl was in a humidity dome outside in the bushes but the temp has been well into to the 90's and up. I'm gonna try letting her cool off indoors for a bit under just ambient light . Update coming soon.


okay i have a problem with my flowering plants they are about a month in and all my leaves are turning yellow but the buds are still fine so i dont know what to do . please some one let me know