My lil clones need HELP!!!


my clones have been in the propagator for 4 days i took the clones off a healthy White Widow mother! i cut them at 45 degrees under water and applied B.C. cloning gel i also used B.C. thrive alive Red and B.C. root 66 in the propagators reservoir and i have this my first clones didnt do this and i dont know why plz hlp here is some pics


ty for any input at all anything will help im a noob!!


Well-Known Member
under water?

also .... too short!

Chop tall clones - dont cut *underwater - just cut an angle and you dont even need rooting gel... you can place them straight into little pots filled with coco! Worked wonders for my clones! :)


Well-Known Member
Does that thing have a dome? I'm not familiar with this unit, but I've always used a dome until they show roots. I take the dome off for about 5 minutes a day, to keep mold/mildew from forming.:peace:


no it dont have a dome but the humidity in that room is around 40% and the device is a home made bubble cloner the clones dangle maybe 1/8th , 3/16 in the cloning solution in the resovior


Active Member
not sure if your already doing it or not but 2 tips i will give anyone that i have picked up are: Make sure the res is dark, i have tried to to clone a few time is tan or clear containers with very limited success, however you move them to a dark res and they root right away seems like. the other is a dark period, i generally assumed 24/0 with a few cfls would be ideal until i realized my rooting time had shifted from 4 to 8 days to 14-20 days, i went back to 18/6 until roots, then 24/0.

PS: i haven't used a dome since i started using a bubble cloner, and my clones never even wilt. (not saying domeless is good but i haven't seemed to need one)


Well-Known Member
I don't use a dome for cloning, but all I can say is that it looks like you slacked off a little on your clone trimming...there should be only a stem under the top of the cloner, or soil that you are cloning into...then you need to trim off a but 2-4 leaves and then trim those remaining leaves tips off...that way you have little leaf that needs to be supported by no roots...


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where to cut, I lost half of my last batch at day 13, does there have to be a leaf node under the soil/media or in the res?

I have some longish branches now but the tips and nodes are pretty much all together with a long stem leading to it. I.e I can have tall clones or clones with a node to root from.
I'm sure I would have done better if I could look afterthe root zone temps. But I do not have the time right now, will have a try for next batch. I have 7 moms. 2 with 2 main colas because they got husrt as seedlings.

it is winter now so humidity is about 70 on nice days and almost 100 on rainy days... they are in garage with roof but no ceiling.


u know this is prolly the culprit , this is the 2nd time i have cloned and the first time using a bubble cloner slacking on trimming them right is prolly the reason i will trim as need'd and let them sit for awhile see what happens tyvm


ok i trimmed the clones, looks like they perked up a bit , lets see what the mornin brings ?! ty for everyones awsome hlp i shure do appreciate all the hlpful insight!


ok so the bubble cloner had to go for now till i learn more about using it.. the clones did not get as perky as i wanted thinking that the stem dangling in that stale water was frightning so i did the old fashion way and filled some Red Solo Cups with some FF ocean soil mix dipped them babies in some Clonex Rooting Compound and put them under the light at 18/6 that was 2 days ago i am feeding them the B.C. Recipe for success stage 1 (Thrive alive green B-1 spray foilage and root 66 and sugar daddy mix for the ground nutes every 2 waters they seem to be doing alot better!!!