My medical perpetual of all things hydro


Well-Known Member
Well folks, welcome to my little corner of the internet.
It's been a while since I done one of these, my last 3 attempts at journals were cut short due to attic inspections and the usual sort of dramas but this one will be different!

A good friend of mine has been diagnosed with cancer and asked me for some help so I've donated all the grow gear I have in the hope that we can produce something that will at least prolong his life.

It's not legal here and plant count is the most important factor regarding punishment. For that reason I've always been a 1 massive plant kinda guy but we're starting this off with 10.
Which will go upto 40ish fairly quickly.
I've never grown like this before and he's never grown anything before. Dude doesn't even have a house plant lol so it's gonna be a steep learning curve all round.

Grow gear consists of
2 x 130 CFL reflectors in 14000k for seedlings
2 x mars 600s (240w) for veg
2 x mars 600s and a 600w HPS for bloom.
And I'll most likey get another 600w HPS for the bloom space.

I've got a full bedroom at my disposal.
The seedlings will be in the open area.
Veg space is a 1m x 1m tent.
And the bloom space is yet to be built but will be a 1.5m x 2m tent.

Nutrients used will be mostly growth technology.
Veg, bloom, scillica and pk14/15
Vitalink calmag+ (ca/mg/fe/N)
And Hydroguard.

I'll be doing a mixture of hydro methods.
I haven't quite figured out exactly how it's going down yet but will be mostly coco with some NFT (nutrient film technique) and probably some hempy style buckets.

I'll provide as much detail as I can at every step of the way so it'll get a bit boring at times. its mostly new guys that read these journals though so might aswell make it as informative as I can. :)

Im on my way to set up the seedlings just now so I'll update with pics later on.
Untill then, welcome one and welcome all.
If anyone's got any questions or comments then please feel free.
My only ask is that we stay relative to the topic and avoid general chit chat.
My last successful journal ended up like 90 pages and it's just too much for folk to read lol.
Well folks, welcome to my little corner of the internet.
It's been a while since I done one of these, my last 3 attempts at journals were cut short due to attic inspections and the usual sort of dramas but this one will be different!

A good friend of mine has been diagnosed with cancer and asked me for some help so I've donated all the grow gear I have in the hope that we can produce something that will at least prolong his life.

It's not legal here and plant count is the most important factor regarding punishment. For that reason I've always been a 1 massive plant kinda guy but we're starting this off with 10.
Which will go upto 40ish fairly quickly.
I've never grown like this before and he's never grown anything before. Dude doesn't even have a house plant lol so it's gonna be a steep learning curve all round.

Grow gear consists of
2 x 130 CFL reflectors in 14000k for seedlings
2 x mars 600s (240w) for veg
2 x mars 600s and a 600w HPS for bloom.
And I'll most likey get another 600w HPS for the bloom space.

I've got a full bedroom at my disposal.
The seedlings will be in the open area.
Veg space is a 1m x 1m tent.
And the bloom space is yet to be built but will be a 1.5m x 2m tent.

Nutrients used will be mostly growth technology.
Veg, bloom, scillica and pk14/15
Vitalink calmag+ (ca/mg/fe/N)
And Hydroguard.

I'll be doing a mixture of hydro methods.
I haven't quite figured out exactly how it's going down yet but will be mostly coco with some NFT (nutrient film technique) and probably some hempy style buckets.

I'll provide as much detail as I can at every step of the way so it'll get a bit boring at times. its mostly new guys that read these journals though so might aswell make it as informative as I can. :)

Im on my way to set up the seedlings just now so I'll update with pics later on.
Untill then, welcome one and welcome all.
If anyone's got any questions or comments then please feel free.
My only ask is that we stay relative to the topic and avoid general chit chat.
My last successful journal ended up like 90 pages and it's just too much for folk to read lol.
IL certainly be looking in evilscotsman, wishing you and your pal all the luck in the world, I lost my mother to cancer back in February, very tough times but keep strong sir and God willing u can make a difference.