MY MOTHER PLANT IS DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help

So mother plant is not looking to good. Within the last two months my mother began browning, loosing leaves, becoming weak, branches bear and brown, droopy, and looking very unhealthy. I started to think it was root problem im pretty sure its root rot. Now I'm set on making a new mother from the old< well what is left of it>. My only problem is what should i put the new clone mother in? Soil again? or do some thing different.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
So mother plant is not looking to good. Within the last two months my mother began browning, loosing leaves, becoming weak, branches bear and brown, droopy, and looking very unhealthy. I started to think it was root problem im pretty sure its root rot. Now I'm set on making a new mother from the old< well what is left of it>. My only problem is what should i put the new clone mother in? Soil again? or do some thing different.
what soil did u use last time?