My mutant


Well-Known Member

Cool pic. I think you should flower it - ya never know, might be the best weed on earth. "This bud makes you larger... and this bud makes you small..."


that is so cute, i just wanna tuk it in for a nap. lol nice mini bro. now bud the dam thing, and please post pics of the nugs!


Well-Known Member
that is so cute, i just wanna tuk it in for a nap. lol nice mini bro. now bud the dam thing, and please post pics of the nugs!
Against my better judgement, I'm growing this one out, it's got preflowers, and is about to bloom, I figure I might get a gram off of it.


Well-Known Member

Cool pic. I think you should flower it - ya never know, might be the best weed on earth. "This bud makes you larger... and this bud makes you small..."
super cool. clone it. some people look for traits like that. hopefully it'll be full of trichomes & kick butt. :)


u sure thats not photoshoped bro? i wud love a clone like that lol, i could grow it anywhere and everywhere


Active Member
Listen to yourselfs, CLONE MY ASS please lol! Its a auto sorry boys no cloning today! :cry:................ I myself would do some research on how to make female seeds or breed it. Maybe you or I already know this..... Just my 2cents!

PS BRO I LOVE IT, now make me some sisters! :)
u sure thats not photoshoped bro? i wud love a clone like that lol, i could grow it anywhere and everywhere