my new grow cabinet check it out


Well-Known Member
I started started flowering my little girl about a week and a half ago in my closet with just a fan, 4 42w cfls and black plastic, it was pretty haggard. I decided to revamp my grow space. i had this cabinet in storage and figured it might be perfect for the idea i had..turned out it was perfect after all

what do you think?

i bought a bathroom exhaust fan it's only 50cfm, but i only have 1 plant atm and it was only 20 dollars. attached a 3" tube and stuck it through two layers of black plastic and aimed it out my window(no leaks, i sat in the box with it all closed up for a good 2 minutes and couldnt see anything at all) i might upgrade to a bigger bathroom fan soon but its working for now, it smells like weed out my window now..sweet..better than in my closet right? lol..also used a tightening shower rod that opens when you unscrew it, so i used that to hold my lights..and to adjust it all i have toi do is tighten it a bit and raise it, and then loosen and were good again :)

The oscilating fan is on max speed facing the wall to promote air circulation in there and its pretty cool so im satisfied.

Any other ideas?



Active Member
It's a neat setup but would definately be worth while to organise it a bit. You could probably fit in 4 if you tried, and think that's four with just about as much energy as one. But you would need some more light.


Well-Known Member
too late..i started off with no money..i lost a bunch of seeds..and upgraded on the way

this was the only plant that survived and luckily it was a vegged for 6 weeks and now its been flowering for 2, can't clone now.

and im also putting more light..4 more cfls, and going veg a bunch of bag seed i have gotten in the past 2 monthsfor 3 weeks and flower them..see what happens