My New Grow Room


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of my new grow room....well most of it. I ran out of staples tonight, plus I've been to Lowes 3 times, I'm tired, and my hands hurt, so get off my back for not finishing it!!

I decided to make a more permanent cab this time, so I framed it like you would a house. It is fairly sturdy right now, and will only get better with the the supports/intakes I am adding. This will probably get done tomorrow. I am harvesting on Wed., so I have to have it done by then.

The walls are black right now, but that is just the backdrop so the mylar has a nice dark surface behind it. It is 4'x4'x6'6" and will be housing my 600watt HPS in a Hydrofarm Radiant 6 air cooled hooled. The "actual" area I will be using to grow will be a 3'x3' footprint under the light. I am tired of working in such tight quarters, I figure an extra 6" on either side wont do much harm.

I use a 465cfm fan for exhaust and a 420cfm fan to cool my hood. In my old 3'x2'x6' cab, my temps stayed about 5 degrees above ambient temps. I am hoping because this space is a little larger, it will take a little longer to heat up and I can keep it closer to ambient. I will be using Co2 for the first time with this grow. If you want, you can follow my grow log in my sig.

Let me know what you think of my new cab. It will be finished with pics on like wed or thurs. There are also some pics of my ghetto ass window box. Its made out of some spare wood I had laying around, and a some insulating foam board. It works pretty good.



Well-Known Member
Looking good man!

I plan on doing a similar thing with larger dimensions and panda film. I also have a 600w HPS and I'm planning on making the box as large as tall as the ceiling as possible. My ladies in veg are already over 2' so I better prepare!

Keep us update with your progress!


Active Member
Its lookin good!! hope to see soe killer bud growin in there,lol!! Well good luck my brother! Keep us updated!!:joint::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the kind words.
Focus, if you are only using 600watts, I wouldn't go much bigger than 4'x4'. I think my 4'x4' is pushing the limits on size. I was going to make it 3'x3' but I was tired of having no room. In my 3'x2'x6' room, I would pull about 12oz every 60 days. I am hoping with this little bit of extra room and Co2, I can get up over the LB mark. We will see.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the kind words.
Focus, if you are only using 600watts, I wouldn't go much bigger than 4'x4'. I think my 4'x4' is pushing the limits on size. I was going to make it 3'x3' but I was tired of having no room. In my 3'x2'x6' room, I would pull about 12oz every 60 days. I am hoping with this little bit of extra room and Co2, I can get up over the LB mark. We will see.
Thanks for the tip. I am going to take your word for it. Maybe I'll just make a 4x4 chamber for flower and 4x4 for veg/clone. My worry is how am I going to vent. My only option is out the window for both in take / out take or I don't know if I'd be able to get away with just having a 6'' 400+ CFM inline cooling a small DIY tent. I was thinkin about doin it PVC pipe, but I'd much rather staple or nail/screw and silicone panda film to wood. I will be vegging for 2 months before flowering so I'm going to make it as tall as I can.

I'll keep posted to see how the c02 treats yeah. I'm just hoping for .5 g/w for my first grow :)


Well-Known Member
1/2 gram a watt is asking an awfull lot for a first grow. Expect closer to 1/4 g per watt.
Taller plants don't always mean a bigger yield. 600watts can only penetrate down like 36" at the most. Anything below this point will not bud like it is supposed to. I only veg for like 4-6 weeks. My plants go into flower at just over a foot tall, and finish at just under 3ft. Anything taller than that would be a waste. Even at 30", some of the buds don't develop properly.
I use 465cfm fan for exhuast, and just use passive intakes and it stays plenty cool. You will be able to get the temps down with a good size blower. I would suggest at least 450cfm. You can get away with less CFMs, you just have to run your a/c lower to keep the cab at the temps you want. So I figure spending an extra $50 on a fan will save you a lot on your electric bill.
For veg, you will not need a 4'x4' space. I use a 2'x3' space for veg and it works out just fine. I use 100-300watts of CFLs, depending on what stage they are in. ANd I use 2 130cfm computer fans to exhaust my veg cab.


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm not worried about space... I have plenty of it. Eventually maybe I could turn it into another flower chamber. I'm aware I have high hopes, but I've been doing my homework and hoping to be rewarded for it! I don't know if I should get a cool tube or not to get the light closer to the plants because the ducting will also block some light and limit coverage.


Well-Known Member
Cool tubes are for small spaces. I have a HydroFarm Radiant 6 air cooled hood and it works awesome. My plants can touch the glass without burning. The duct shouldn't block any of the light. If the light was coming straight out of the sides, it will hit the wall and bounce straight back toward the bulb. The reflectors on those things are junk. Get a quality a/c hood and you will be happy.


Well-Known Member
Well here are some updates on my new room. I'm lagging a little, so my flower schedule will be thrown off by a couple of days, but its cool. I'm playing the role of lazy stoner.
All I have left to do is mount my light, my exhuast and intake, put the door up, and staple plastic to the ground. I think I've got the hard parts done, but we'll see.
The mail is lagging, and I haven't got the parts to make my table yet, so my plants will be sitting a little ways from the light the first day or two.

As soon as its completed, or more complete and I quit working again, I'll post some more pics.



Well-Known Member
Yep, I got inside and closed it up. Everything is nice and dark. I used velcro on my last 2 cabs with great success, and it looks like this one is no different.


Well-Known Member
Its comin along. Little by little, but its comin along. I installed have of my intakes today, and may do a little more before I have to go to work. I will install like 8 more of the pvc light traps, plus a 10"x10" dark room lovour, I think thats how you spell it.
I still have two plants that are finishing up flower, so by the time the cab is done, I will only be about a day behind my usual schedule. Not too bad I'd say. Especially for how much work this is with only one person.
I should be harvesting the rest tonight or tomorrow, and should have the cab done by mon at the latest.



Well-Known Member
I finished the base of my table. I will be placing a piece of 3'x3' wood across it, with 2x4s for supports. I'm going to put "walls" on the table, and put in some tubing so I don't have to move my plants to water.
I made one for my old cab and it was so much nicer not having to move my plants. Plus, my plants used to be out of their cab at least an hour, usually closer to 2hrs, draining, watering, etc. So watering 2-3 times per week, after the end of my harvest, I have missed out on "4 days" worth of light.
I have a lot of work to do still on the cab, but I will have it all done on Mon and updates of my C99 grow log in my sig. I will also be flowering White Widow, I just the clones from my local shop the other day, and Ice. I had a cloning disaster about 8 weeks ago, so this grow only has one of my "go to" strains, which is Ice. I'm just crossing my fingers that the clones I got were good, and this C-99 turns out bomb. Otherwise, I'm stuck with just the one Ice plant that will be good.



Well-Known Member
Cool, I'm glad you like it.
Make sure if you're going to build a table with PVC pipe, you order the corner pieces off of the internet. You need a "4 way pvc" fitting. Home depot, Lowes, etc, don't sell these. The 1 1/4" pvc they carry, just not the fittings. They were like $5 each shipped on ebay. You can get them cheaper if you do a little more searching, I just wanted them here as fast as possible.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:well ur real name jesus because u seem to be a pretty good carpenter..or is it bob-the-builder???:mrgreen: it looking good bro.. nice and air tight..good luck and :peace::joint::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not Jesus, but he is a good friend of mine, lol. He was the nice guy who gave me these plants!
I'd say the cab is about 90% finished, but still some odds and ends to finish. I haven't built the table, I am saving that for tomorrow.
The pics were taken as I finished each part of the room.

