My Noob SIMPLE Room


room Update

photo 3.jpgheres the One unknown strain that made it into flowering "Cell Phone Pics"
photo de.jpgThis is (Fred) Im almost Postive Fred's a Nirvana Northern Light
photo dead.jpgOh Flaccid Clint, his leaves are drooping bad (and Seem Moist) UGH HAHA so Clint and One other NL are Both ToTTALLY SAGGING since 2 days Ago :neutral:?? OVER/UNDER watering HMM IDK


Well-Known Member
you shouldn't give girls boy's names, unless you want to curse yourself with male plants lol hope they are females!! I think that if you keep mums next to the weeds, they will take the light energy from the MJ plants, since lightbulbs give a finite amount of light, and all of the plants will share that light, I would think that if you got rid of the mums, they wouldn't "steal" light from MJ. I was gonna grow roses, but I think I will need an additional set up for the roses, of course, I can put roses on the window sill and they won't die or get too stretchy. you are over watering if they feel moist, check the soil. or dig down into the soil so you don't check just the top (push your finger into the soil around the edge, it should feel dry and not moist, then add water. stop watering for a few days they should perk up a bit