My Nut Line

hey there,,, I just wanted too throw out what im using on my plants... see what people think.... any feed back positive or Bad ,, I want to hear it....


age old grow
age old kelp
dry flower product liquid gold
dry flower products liquid black crystal
botanicare cal mag
I Spray with azamax and liquid gold
and water in and spray activate.


age old grow
age old kelp
dry flower products liquid gold
dry flower products liquid black crystal
Botanicare cal mag
earth juice catalyst --end stage of flower
earth juice molasses-- end stage of flower
I spray same as up top.... till I see buds starting to form... then quit for the rest of the time...
ph is set at 6.4-5 ish

soil is fox farm ocean forest.
last run I used a mix of coco,,, and was pleased,, but think im going to go back to fox farm,, and adding,,, pear light to the mix...

I start my ppms low 100 200 and work up to about 900 to 1000... I do water, nut, water , and on going..
ending weeks i use molasses and catalyst every other feeding..

what ya'll think


Active Member
Holy shit you feed them quite a roster.

And to think, some yield Can sized Kolas with just oragnic soil....

i love all organic soil with all my old plant matter. butt i also love giving them a binkie-babysittter-girl-- daycare all of it issss so dp.... lets hear more plezzzzze


Well-Known Member
IMO KISS is the best way to go Keep It Simple Stupid. Here is what I feed
Bontanicare Pro Grow
GO Bio Root for first 2 weeks to boost root growth
GO CalMg+
Bontanicare Original Berry 10 mls in veg
Botanicare Pro Bloom
Cyco Potash weeks 1-4
Cyco Swell weeks 6-8
GO CalMg+
Botanicare Original Berry 20ml in flower


Active Member
Wow... i forgot what it was like to use lots of stuff. Been running the Blue Planet 3 part for the past 2 years and that is all I need, plus the Liquid Blue bloom booster.

I like it cause I dont have to change nutes when I switch to flowering. You mix the 3 parts together (grow, bloom, micro) in various ratios. So for instance, during veg stage I'll use more Grow and less Bloom... but as my plants mature and go into flowering I'll increase the Bloom more than the Grow. This way the plants get the exact ratio of nutes for whatever stage of life they are in (flowering, pre-flowering, veg). I literally only use 4 bottles from seed to harvest. I got a friend who only uses the bpn 2 part the entire time and has badass results. Talk about easy.

This is the feeding chart I use, except I only use the Grow, Micro, Bloom, and Liquid Blue... I hadn't tried the B vitamins and seaweed yet.