My Nutrient Set-up


So i wanted to get some imput about the nutrients i am using. I dont use one specific company, Included are Advanced, Botanicare, House & Garden and Humbouldt County ,I have been doing some research latelty and could use some more from you people about your experiences with the certain products i use. Suggestions for alternates is welcome and needed. Also if i may be missing anything. I could have forgot something.And not to sound arrogent but the price isnt really like a negative aspect for me. Thanks

House and Garden
Root excelurator
Shooting Powder

Humbouldt County
Snowstorm Ultra
Gravity Flower Hardner

Sensi Bloom A&B
Bud Blood- Powder
Big Bud- Powder

Liquid Karma
Silica Blast

Oh and Hygrozyme


Active Member
Wow, too much stuff for me. I just use GH stuff. Currently only FloraNova Bloom and these XJ13 plants are loving it. Green shinny leaves with simple one solution mix. But I'm bucket hydro with no reservoir that seems to be way easier to control.


Well-Known Member
wow that's quite a list. i just use the general hydroponics flora series trio

I use a dwc to grow mine.



Well-Known Member
dont listen to them they must be ignorant... gh doesnt grow good weed dont let anyone tell you so. if they say so they just havent growned with anything else that was worth it. i use to run a similar combination just make sure you know when to use each product. if i can recommend anything.. some bud factor x is always worth it and some bud candy(2 in 1 carboload + sweet leaf) instead of carboload. other the that with the right timing u will see some unbelievable results... some fat ass buds. anyone with money should grow using all these products for amazing results. c02 with all that yummy!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont think that money was waisted. I think the marketing of these nutes and hype around them are hard to look past.

I am go'n more with cheaper nutes, especially guanos.

I started out like you though....researching all the

Basicly I'd advise to go what ever you feel most comfortable with.


Well-Known Member
from research and experiments... nutrients decide the potency of your weed. so you might get nice looking buds. but there not nearly as potent as they could be. Your quality is jeaopardize when you using gh and other products that prooved to produce low levels of thc and cbd.
dont listen to them they must be ignorant... gh doesnt grow good weed dont let anyone tell you so. if they say so they just havent growned with anything else that was worth it. i use to run a similar combination just make sure you know when to use each product. if i can recommend anything.. some bud factor x is always worth it and some bud candy(2 in 1 carboload + sweet leaf) instead of carboload. other the that with the right timing u will see some unbelievable results... some fat ass buds. anyone with money should grow using all these products for amazing results. c02 with all that yummy!!!
Thanks dude.. I will look into that bud candy. So its carboload + sweet leaf. Whats the sweet leaf all about? Is that kinda like Botanicare sweet? Ya just added co2 2day so we will see how things turn out.

I also appreciate everyone elses comments but like i said i am willing to spend the $ to find the "perfect" nutrient solution.


Well-Known Member
The perfect nute solution is a custom made nutes from cropking. You can be in control of every element you put into your crop. It can't get any better than that.


Well-Known Member
talk to me about products that have comparisons done in the past. All the products listed above will give u results u can actually see and notice the results.


Active Member
dont listen to them they must be ignorant... gh doesnt grow good weed dont let anyone tell you so. if they say so they just havent growned with anything else that was worth it. i use to run a similar combination just make sure you know when to use each product. if i can recommend anything.. some bud factor x is always worth it and some bud candy(2 in 1 carboload + sweet leaf) instead of carboload. other the that with the right timing u will see some unbelievable results... some fat ass buds. anyone with money should grow using all these products for amazing results. c02 with all that yummy!!!
I'm not ingnorant. No real grower would fool with those mixes. Plants are plants, they output their best when you give them what they need. Read the labels and understand the percentages. Check out the differences between ingrediant content (biggest thing is you want more Nitrate Nitrogen than Ammoniacal Nitrogen because Ammoniacal leaves a salt build up). You'll see it's all in the GH FloraNova line from the start, no mixing needed. Plus the GH FloraNova line takes so little (2 teaspoons for a 1200 ppm) that it really winds up being one of the cheapest. Add the crazy cost of those other things, that just balance out to what GH already has in it, and it really chews into your profits.

Oh, and when it comes to potentency, my stuff grown with GH has always been the strongest I've ever had with buds so fat and juicy I have to worry about mold growing in them before harvest.


Well-Known Member
dont listen to them they must be ignorant... gh doesnt grow good weed dont let anyone tell you so. if they say so they just havent growned with anything else that was worth it. i use to run a similar combination just make sure you know when to use each product. if i can recommend anything.. some bud factor x is always worth it and some bud candy(2 in 1 carboload + sweet leaf) instead of carboload. other the that with the right timing u will see some unbelievable results... some fat ass buds. anyone with money should grow using all these products for amazing results. c02 with all that yummy!!!
WTF are you talking about? You clearly have little to no knowledge of plant nutrition and it's an abomination that they let you out of Newbie Central.


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone looks at their comments and can be thoughtful when posting. When sling'n shit everyone gets crap.

As far as specialized nutes go there are many. Most in hydro stores are geared towards weed. As at least one mentioned in the thread, nute requirements can be strain dependent.

Its my opinion that cheap nutes like guano offer comparable results to the best high priced nutes out there.


Active Member
I hope everyone looks at their comments and can be thoughtful when posting. When sling'n shit everyone gets crap.

As far as specialized nutes go there are many. Most in hydro stores are geared towards weed. As at least one mentioned in the thread, nute requirements can be strain dependent.

Its my opinion that cheap nutes like guano offer comparable results to the best high priced nutes out there.
I think, unless you make teas and strain real well, that guano is mainly only good for soil growers. They clog or make a mess of hydro systems plus they usually stink and attract pests. Even after a lot of prepping it would be hard to get consistent results with them.


Well-Known Member
That's why you get a custom blend for aero/hydro. 100% of the time you are going to get a better blend that you control instead of paying high dollar for water and secondary nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Yep I agree..puffntuff

You see there is a place for these expensive nutes, but there are also alternatives. What will be best? I think if a person does research that regardless of the price what they feel most comfortable with will matter most... ..if its cheap and has all the nutes your plants need, then go for it. ..if its expensive and can offer the same needs..then go for that. Its up to each their own.

Some even go with Miracle Grow and do awesome with it...imagine that lots of growers wont even touch it.

There are many ways to nute a plant.


Well-Known Member
Additives are so over rated it's incredible.

Give the plants a balanced diet with quality light at least 50 watts a square foot, plenty of fresh cool (~75deg) moving air in the canopy and cool (~65deg.) oxygenated water on the roots and you'll have killer, fat, tasty, potent buds.

I'm currently trimming my best crop ever and I used the Lucas 0-8-16 formula throughout the grow. My setup is an Aeroflo36, no water change, just add back nutes at 1/3 strength.

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