my opinion of growing with bag seed most people say that growing with bag seed is not really good cause you dont really know what you got or what your sex will be. well I have been a smoker for quite some time and a grower for about 2 years and since i started growing I have found that bag seed is not quite that bad, except for the sex issue...6 plants and three are males...yeah it can be a pain. but up until the past 2 years, until I started smoking exotic, I have became VERY familiar with the different kinds of mids that you can buy off the street. now I only smoke high mids and and have been growing with only high mid seeds. last year I experimented on trying to grow some basic exotic with some bag seed. After careful growing and months of painful trial and error...I was successful in producing one very fine Kush plant. Now by all means it might not be an exact strain but looks, smell, and taste you can tell no difference. Any one who tells you that bag seed is not the best way to go when wanting to grow a fine crop, I say should rethink what they tell you. I have learned that with the right growing conditions and with lots of extra love and care, you can create one fine plant that will produce the stickiest of the ickiest! So for all of you who live in the states like i do, buying seeds online is almost impossible. So if you would like some fire bud and cant get your hands on some legit seeds..bag seed is always a good choice to me. but i would recommend a seed from some good quality mid.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, great post and all and I agree and such but, what does "mid" even mean? Does that mean the middle of a plant that doesn't get as much light as the top, so it isn't as potent? so the seeds harvested from the "mid" bud are of less maturity, therefore quality? But how do you know that those seeds are from the middle of the plant? They can very much be from the top and be great genetics. I'm just confused... sorry for the nonsense. great post though.


Active Member
"Mids" or "Regs" are just pollinated plants. In order to grow some fine sinsemilla, just DO NOT grow males. DO NOT allow male pollen to fuck your bitch(female). I completely agree with you. I agree that buying seeds are a pain in the butt and that bagseed can be organically/hydroponiclly/chemically grown into the stickiest of the ickiest.

Now most of the time when you buy "Mids", it contains seeds that came from the pollen of a hermaphrodite. This is why "Mids" has much less seeds then the "regs" that were pollinated in a massive field by males.

H.R. Shove N Stuff

Active Member
I grew bag seed and will never do it again unless I have to. Bear in mind I have not smoked it yet as it's drying but the yield wasn't great and bag seed being really prone to hermie as all 3 of mine did. I recieved some legit strain seeds that I know will turn out better.


Well-Known Member
I like this! I myself am growing bag seed at the moment.
I am growing just 2 plants, barely a week old. Hope they turn out to both be girls!
The seeds are from the BEST weed I could find around here (still probably shitty, mostly outdoors, wold weed).
Hopefully with that little extra care and attention they will produce some killer stuff!!
Kenyan seeds! Outcome should be interesting, Can't wait to see!

I love the mystique of some bag seeds.
Sometimes you just never know what you are gonna get at the end of it! FUN!


Well-Known Member
growing bagseed aswell in the journal in signature.

didnt get the chance to smoke it myself so dont know from own experience how good it was but according to the friend i got it from it was one of the best high's hes ever had and this dude has been smoking it all for several decades. im 4 days from switching them to 12\12 and the fun begins :)

out of 10 bagseed that sprouted i ended up with 8 females and 1 male and 1 hermie :D should probably try my luck on the lottery this weekend to be honest :p

please do have a look at my bagseed grow and leave a comment :) feels lonely in there with 2 subscribers lol

theese plants are getting all the love you could possibly give so we will see in the end what bagseed can do :)
i grew 2 plants this year with bag seeds. I never had any plants get as far as these bc cops deer etc but what i have out of 4 is 2 fm 1 is over 7 ft and the other is 4ft. the 7 footer is the kind of plant you think of when you say marijuana xmas tree shape and buds all over it is only 2-3 weekis into flowering and has no smell. the other is smalller bc a deer ate the top out when i first trans planted, it has small chrome covered buds everywhere and is 4 weeks into flowering. do yall think I will have good quality buds since i pulled the males b4 they flowered and how much do u think a full 7 ft plant can produce i know its impossible to predict but i would like to hear something from someone in a similiar situation as me. thanx


Well-Known Member
although i dont grow bagseed anymore i have had great success with them, every seed i planted turned out to be a female and they all turned out totally different then each other, luck was definitely on my side
i still have over 50 mystery seeds which i'll most probably just store for a few years until im threw with my good genetics
but if you got bagseed then i say go for it and plant it, there great for the new growers to gain experience, so when you move onto good genetics you wont fuck them up


Active Member
if the plant has been polinated and produces seeds then its a good chance that the seeds will turn out to be males but if you got seeds off a plant that were produced by stress then that are hundred percent female... basicly the plant thinks its in danger so it preserves all its female dna into the seeds... the funny thing is i proved this myself i did 3 seeds from a hermie all 3 turned out female and produced about 3 dry oz each with a 600watt hps.

Also ive got loaddds of jack seeds that come from hugee 7ft outdoor plants dnt know if i should bother with them or not lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Grown it once, never again. 6 seeds were planted, 5 were males, the last showed some great traits, right till it went and hermied to fook, half a billion seeds in my joint was not what i had in mind.


Well-Known Member
I grow bagseed but I got mine from my dealer who sold sinsemilla weed and once in a while would get a seed from like ten pounds of weed her gave me sensi start and durban poison seeds. If you cant get good seeds I suggest you ask your dealer and not your "mids" or "regs" dealer and if you cant afford better weed chances are you probably can't afford to have a good setup and good nutrients to grow great weed anyway.