My organic nutes line up for beginning of veg


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I’ve been using my own homemade nutes.
I extracted banana, apple and citrus peels, coffee grounds, very small anmount of miracle grow for nitrogen, I also added the syrup from canned fruit. Am I missing anything. Any suggestions I can add for enhanced veg growth ? Also what can I use for flowering for the time comes? Thank you all for your time.
Epsom salt for magnesium and crushed eggshells for calcium.
Don't use scented epsom salt tho, just plain and look into making compost teas for your soils microbials.
Blackstrap unsulphered molasses is your best friend.
Are you on a budget or do you just want to make your own nutes to do a organic grow?
Epsom salt for magnesium and crushed eggshells for calcium.
Don't use scented epsom salt tho, just plain and look into making compost teas for your soils microbials.
Blackstrap unsulphered molasses is your best friend.
Are you on a budget or do you just want to make your own nutes to do a organic grow?
I use egg shells as well forgot to mention but I will give molasses a go. I use compost and soil mixed mostly good potting soil and added a few scoops of compost. Also will add Epsom salt. Thanks for help friend. I’m not on a budget. I’m just on my second grow and been growing just one plant at a time rn and don’t want to waste money just for one plant since I have a small grow space in my room. It’s a low key situation.
Epsom salt for magnesium and crushed eggshells for calcium.
Don't use scented epsom salt tho, just plain and look into making compost teas for your soils microbials.
Blackstrap unsulphered molasses is your best friend.
Are you on a budget or do you just want to make your own nutes to do a organic grow?
Hey sorry to bother you again. How should I feed my plant molasses? I heard just pour a teaspoon into the soil? Is that correct or is there a better way.
It's not bother are at all!

So I don't mix directly to soil, I make a tea with it for the plants.
To make the tea all you need is a bucket of non-chlorinated water, pantyhose, compost(another method is with an air tight jar, oats or rice) an air stone with a pump and molasses.
How I make the tea is fill the bucket with the water and put a airstone in the bucket to aerate it.
I take the pantyhose and put some compost in one of the legs of the pantyhose and tie it to something usually the handle of the bucket so it's completely submerged in the water and suspended from the bottom.
Then I mix molasses anywhere from 1-4 tbsp per gallon of water in another bucket of water before putting it in the bucket with the pantyhose. This way the molasses doesn't fall to the bottom or stick to the airstone.
Depending on the temperatures it could take anywhere from 1-3 days for the microbes to kick in and start heavily foaming up your solution.
Then I just add it to my plants after it's got a nice nasty looking foam cap.
Some people usually dilute it with water anywhere from 1-10 parts of water but I just dump it in the soil as is.
Another way people make it with the air tight jar is by putting rice or pulverized oats in the jar with just water and let the microbes manifest for a couple days before putting it in the bucket.
I've done both and both work nicely in my opinion.
Or if you want to just want to do molasses I'd just do the 1-4 tbsp per gallon premix to water then feed straight to your soil to feed the already existing microbes but it doesnt hurt adding more to your soil with the teas.


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