My outdoor Florida grow journal. 5-25-12, some questions??


Active Member
:leaf: Hello, this is going to be my Florida (space coast) outdoor grow journal.

This is just a way for me to keep organized , i think its a good idea and if i get some helpful tips that would be cool too.

I have six plants, all about 3 to 4 weeks old , started from seed. :razz: from oldest to youngest there names are Cora, Viviana, Noelle, Sophia, Makayla and Selena Gomez. :) (i don't know if they are girls yet i just named them all girls)

I will update probably every other day with pictures and stuff until harvest.
I'ts a soil grow i'm trying to grow as organically as possible.:weed:

For soil I'm using Lambert's organic potting mix (its a peat moss mix) i mix vermiculite with it.

For my nutrients i'm using fox farm products, grow big thought veg and tiger bloom and big bloom during flowering.

I'm also using SUPER thrive.

The only question i really have right now is if a plant can accidentally switch into flowering because of rainy weather? because of less sun?
I'm asking this because Selena Gomez looks like it switched into flowering.
Ill put pictures up when the sun comes up but if anyone can tell me it would help.

The pic is what the plants looked like a few days ago.
I will put more up soon :weed: :clap:


Well-Known Member
you're a farmer.....they are your crop.
neglect them and they'll be okay. dote upon them and they are doomed. just trying to nip a common mistake early on. i'm not a dick:)


Well-Known Member
I grow under 18/6 then spend about 3-5 days hardening them off before I expose them to full sun. Doing it this way I haven't had problems of early flowering. My friend on the other hand grew using a 24/0 light cycle, didn't harden them off, and as a result the plant immediately went into flowering a week or two after taking them outside. Luckily for him, summer isn't even here yet, so his plants will have plenty of time to recover. Hopefully it doesn't hermi on him. But yeah back to your question, the weather shouldn't be making them flower unless its an auto flower or they're getting very little daylight.


Active Member
I grow under 18/6 then spend about 3-5 days hardening them off before I expose them to full sun. Doing it this way I haven't had problems of early flowering. My friend on the other hand grew using a 24/0 light cycle, didn't harden them off, and as a result the plant immediately went into flowering a week or two after taking them outside. Luckily for him, summer isn't even here yet, so his plants will have plenty of time to recover. Hopefully it doesn't hermi on him. But yeah back to your question, the weather shouldn't be making them flower unless its an auto flower or they're getting very little daylight.
thankyou for the reply , and trust me i would have loved to keep them indoors but it wasnt possable. i dont believe its and auto flower, and since its so young will it be okay switching back to veg if it did flower?


Well-Known Member
Your cool dude.. its early in the season so even if they do start to flower it will only be for a week or two and then they will switch back


Active Member
can anyone tell me what i can do about spiders? not spidermites but just little tiney spiders. there making little nest webs on my plants stems and leaves. does anyone think neem oil would hep with this?


Well-Known Member
I leave spiders alone. If its really buggin you just shake them off or use a spray bottle set to stream.


Well-Known Member
If they are actual spiders then you should leave them. They wont feed on your plants and they will eat other bugs that will.


Active Member
If they are actual spiders then you should leave them. They wont feed on your plants and they will eat other bugs that will.
Haha thanks I totally didn't think about that but I just don't think it's good when they make little nests and bend the leaves but I just found out about the bug section forums so I'm goin to take a look at that hopefully its clear some stuff up thanks for the reply


Active Member
Here's an update , they are all 3 to 4 weeks old working on there 7'Th to 8'Th nodes . There's slight pH burning so i decided to wait till they look healthy and back nutes to 75% or 50%. and heres 001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpgpics


Active Member
okay i really need someones help here.It is pouring rain here in florida , i know this is the sunshine state, but for people that really know it rains like a rain forest here.It is going to rain for an entire week where i am. the problem is my plants are going to get really flooded. i need a solution really fast. i was thinking about cutting a tarp and putting it over the soil only not the plant. does anyone know a good sucessfull way to deal with this?


Active Member
I would move them under a tree or somewhere that they will recieve some coverage from the rain but they're far enough now to handle it. far as the leaves check ur pH.