My Own Paradise


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys and girls! i just had a growers moment and i thought i'd share it with you haha.

i've been scouting for spots for about a month now and havent found anything that great. i thought i was gonna have to settle for some slightly shaded spots but today i was like you know what, im gonna go a little further. BAM! the forest opened up to this area of interconnecting pools and streams and in there is this beautiful open, sunny spot! its surrounded by either muddy swamp or water but its about four feet above any of the water and really wide so it wont get the heat and humidity of the swamp. the trees on it are short so there isnt a canopy to block the sun but they produce enough shade so they wont bake out there all day. when i saw it i stopped, smiled, and said YESS! it isnt easy to get to either, you have to walk through brush, over a beaver dam, through some muck, and balance over a few fallen logs. i almost got lost trying to get back haha. im gonna grow some fuckin monsters!

anyone else had a moment like this when they chose thier location?


Well-Known Member
Most alcoholics refer to this as a moment of clarity.

I did earlier this year, but rodent ate my first to transplants.

Look around for gopher holes lol!s


Active Member
I call those "Ka-Chong" moments, and I had a similar one last summer :) One of the guys we were working for said we could put a bunch of plants on his property (super rural NorCal), as long as they were hidden well and we had to give him half. We had 1 Maui and 16 Afwreck clones about 2 feet tall and express permission to grow guerilla on our boss' property, but couldn't think of how to plant them. It seemed like it would've been a waste to put them in little buckets, and digging holes way out in the wilderness had lost its appeal after we had already dug 25 hella big ones for the boss. So we were about to give up and say fuck it, lets just do the work and dig the holes, when all of a sudden - one of my buddies came up with the idea to use small (like 1 inch diameter) tree branches and criss-cross them like youre building a log cabin. They were about 2' x 2' wide and like 6-8 inches deep. It took about 5 minutes to construct each one. Turns out these little DIY grow boxes are really strong, they hold the soil and drain really well and are also perfectly camouflaged in the brush. We ended up pulling 5 pounds total (4 pounds from 16 Afwrecks and 1 pound from 1 Maui lol). Those boxes were a lifesaver :)


Well-Known Member
ohhh shit dude thats a friggin awesome idea!!! i wasnt looking forward to digging but i think i'll try that for some off my plants! +rep for that one haha.

im gonna use chicken wire fences to protect against small animals. had a bad experienc last summer haha.