my pest control


Well-Known Member
yesterday checked on my babies.. spiddle bugs and fruit flies. had recently use fresh wild worm casting tea. caught myself a wolf spider yesterday.. today no more bugs.. he didn't take three steps when i let him go before he started killing shit... last time i used two jumping spiders and a daddy long legs..i like the jumping spiders because they will go over every inch of your plant. i've watched them they are relentless in their hunt for prey..idk they work for me..also got a ladder and grabbed a cobweb spider from a high corner in the garage released him on the ceiling and low and behold he made a nest in the top corner.. i'm going to try my theory out by catching one the has a web on the corner of the floor..other then these cobweb spiders that i am confident (in theory) will stay in their corners and no make any webs in my plants (oh yes i should add that i chose a male cobweb spider so that i wouldn't have the prob of new babies making webs on my plants) although i think a wolf spider would control such a problem.. so i said all that to say SPIDERS MAN!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
that's why i use ambush spiders that don't spin webs. (except the cob web spider in the corner and believe me if he came any where near the plant the ambush spiders would be eating him for lunch.) no thanks... you can keep all those sprays.. i'll stick to wolf and jumping spiders