my pics for the grow site


Active Member
well this will be my first outdoor guerrilla grow and i was wondering if this is an alright site its a wooded area that is about 400-500 feet deep there is a farmers hay field in the pics thats near the site but its kinda hard to see from my site the field in the first pic is not my site my site is father to the right but can i make this site work? oh yea and in one of the last pics is the ideal site that is well hidden but in the pic i circled where the hay field can be seen from the site



Active Member

No Ones Gonna See That Shit Out There looks like a Good Place To Grow Just Be Carefull.. Kurupt


Active Member
thnx for the imput man, and yea i will be extemely careful, and there is a water source for me but its at the edge of this field but its on a hill so i doubt someone will see me getting water from it and i will always have my dog with me


New Member
looks pretty good bra. id try to put them near a bush or something so they arent so obvious if someone happens to go back there (if they saw u getting water or anything, or saw your dog and wondered what it was doing out there).


Active Member
How's the light gonna be when the leaves fill out on the trees ? You need at least 5 hours of direct sunlight (more is better).


New Member
How's the light gonna be when the leaves fill out on the trees ? You need at least 5 hours of direct sunlight (more is better).

thats another thing you may wanna consider.
also how much water is gonna run down the hill to your plants?
i know you said that your starting them inside but may not be able to for some reason,
if you cant figured id let ya know that over watering happens to be what kills most of my young ones that I have to put outside before they are big enough to make it on their own. Not always a problem but here where i live it can rain up to 2 weeks @ a time some times. You know what i mean so keep it in mind.


Active Member
How's the light gonna be when the leaves fill out on the trees ? You need at least 5 hours of direct sunlight (more is better).

i think ill have plenty of light when i took these pics we were about to get a storm lol

and as far as water goes the landscape is going down hill its not entirely flat so im sure it will just run off


New Member
i think ill have plenty of light when i took these pics we were about to get a storm lol

and as far as water goes the landscape is going down hill its not entirely flat so im sure it will just run off

then what the fuck you waiting on boy? you shouldent be on here brotha, you should be outside digging soma massive ass holes while the dirt is softened up by the rain.

oh and that storm you talked about, brought me 5 inches of rain. And its STILL raining off and on. I hate our weather dude....this area is always getting too much rain or not enough.:evil:


Active Member
then what the fuck you waiting on boy? you shouldent be on here brotha, you should be outside digging soma massive ass holes while the dirt is softened up by the rain.

oh and that storm you talked about, brought me 5 inches of rain. And its STILL raining off and on. I hate our weather dude....this area is always getting too much rain or not enough.:evil:
i hear ya bra yea its storming here right now i also got my seeds in paper towels going on 24 hrs now so by tomorro i should see some tails, tomorro i will either first get my soil, virmiculite, perlite. or i will get the dried blood and some of the other things i need but i am not planting not a plant till i get something to keep the damn deer away yesturday was the first time scouting out for a grow site and i saw like 8 deer, do u know what the best thing might be but i refuse to use human hair, does me pissing around the site work?


Well-Known Member
you dont want to grow near a farmers are asking for problems planting around someones farm, home, or hunting need to remember in the summer most of that greenery and cover will thin and turn brown making it easier to spot your lush green plants......not to mention the stink factor in the summer heat......this is just my tend to shot first.....


Active Member
i am a good distance from his farm and it is just hay so no one is going to be out there hand picking they will use tractors the big ass ones with glass windows so im not worried about them smelling it and besides im about 350 ft from his field so i think i might be good and ill plant right near all of them bushes so they will stay hidden, its not really a bush i cant think of the name of the tree but i do know that they stay green just about yr round ill give it a try i just got to be very careful and i am just growing a few plants like maybe 5 or 6 dont need a shit pot load


Well-Known Member
do you know whose land you are getting ready to plant on ? people hunt around there and what are the seasons? is the watersourse available year round? does this area flood? you should know these answers before you get out there.....but 100 yards from the field you should be ok...if the watersourse is fishable then always have your pole when in the area....and with every guerrila need to be able to cut and run at any sight of trouble..good luck bro.....


Active Member
well the watersource is full and a deep creek so i think it may be yr round but if it does happen to dry up i can get water their no prob its kinda on a down hill slope which i dont think will flood and thier is supposed to be no hunting back thier has no hunting signs up so, oh and for running no prob on that one i have out ran the po po b4 but i will always have my dog with me so it looks like im just walking her and thnx for the luck man


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good spot
post some results and how you stop the deer when you find out LOL

It will be helpful to me in future

But if no
like dont have to.


Active Member
sure enough ill let u know man ill prob do a grow journal it will be easier for me to keep up with it cuz i will only got to the plot when nessesary, and ill let u know if i find a solution to the deer


Well-Known Member
piss all over the place around your plants....drink lots of water and go go go......deer will stay away......


Well-Known Member
you can also use 20lb fishing line at about a foot and then 3 foot off the ground in a perimiter around your plants......just like a little make shift fence......


Well-Known Member
Pee in a cup full of sand n leave it in the middle of plot, it'll stink the area up for a good month or two. Can also put hair clippings around. Deer won't go anywhere around your plot.