My Plan and My Questions

Hello everyone,

This will be my first grow. I have spent the last two days watching various videos and reading threads (multiple times) (Widow Maker, thanks for your excellent overview!!). I am pretty close to making all of my purchases, but there are still a few areas that I am unclear on. I would appreciate thoughts on my existing plan, and I have some specific questions as well. Thanks!

My Plan
I will be growing indoors using pots/soil for at least the first grow and switch to an aeroponics system when the funds are right.

Expected supplies:
Light kit-1000W Ballast + HPS and MH bulbs, reflective hood, timer, in-line heat fan maybe; 1 M x 1M x 3M grow tent (1M = 3' 3") --I think this is the easiest way for me to setup the proper environment until I have a dedicated room; Oscillating Fan; Other misc testers, adjusters, fertilizers (haven't researched much yet); Maybe a CO2 system.

I intend to purchase some Blueberry seeds and some White Widow seeds and they give you 5 free Thai Stick seeds right now (here). After sprouting the seeds, I will put them in plastic cups. These will be kept on the bathroom (for humidity) window ledge. Once sprouted, I will move them into the growing tent. Because the HPS light is strong I will keep it hung at the top of the tent through all phases.

I am still a little hazy on first-time sexing. As I understand it, I will sprout and plant 3 of each seed, of which I hope to get one female of each. I will then make 3 clones of each for 9 plants I will grow, and 3 mothers that I don't know how to keep with only one grow space.

Questions: I read an article on early sexing. I assume I should do this for the mothers. When can this be done? I think it said when the plant is ~8" tall. Is that right? Do I just block the lower branches from light for 12 hrs, or should I do the whole plants at this point? Once I know the sex, can I clone immediately, or do I need to grow it further? Any suggestions on keeping the mothers with only one growing space?

We now have 9 plants in the grow room with light on 18 hours a day initially and increasing :30 minutes each day until 23 hours a day for the grow cycle.

Question: I am very confused about indoor growing cycles. Some info says grow for 2-3 weeks before flowering, but the site for the seeds says 6-7 months (then flower for 8-10 wks). That is quite a difference! From what I gather, it can be varied, but what is the optimum balance of time/yield? Can someone please help?

Whenever it is I move the plants to the flowering stage, I know that this is the switch to 12/12 light cycle with MH bulb. I do this until ‘2/3 of hairs are red’ (or purple in Blueberry’s case). However, White Widow doesn’t seem to have many red hairs. Question: How do I know when it is time to harvest White Widow?

I’ll stop with that for now. I will probably double check my watering & fertilizing schedule with you all in a couple days.

Thanks for increasing the peace! :blsmoke:


New Member
Questions: I read an article on early sexing. I assume I should do this for the mothers. When can this be done? I think it said when the plant is ~8" tall. Is that right? Do I just block the lower branches from light for 12 hrs, or should I do the whole plants at this point? Once I know the sex, can I clone immediately, or do I need to grow it further? Any suggestions on keeping the mothers with only one growing space?
You might as well veg' properly, which will take around 4-7 weeks depending on the strain. Within this time your strain will mature enough to show either male or female preflowers. You can early sex your plant by taking clones, but IMO by the time they've rooted your plants will be mature enough to show on their own.

We now have 9 plants in the grow room with light on 18 hours a day initially and increasing :30 minutes each day until 23 hours a day for the grow cycle.
24 hour light is best for optimum upward growth during veg'.

I am very confused about indoor growing cycles. Some info says grow for 2-3 weeks before flowering, but the site for the seeds says 6-7 months (then flower for 8-10 wks). That is quite a difference! From what I gather, it can be varied, but what is the optimum balance of time/yield? Can someone please help?
The amount of time you veg' will have a direct corellation to the amount of bud you get in the end. Also, trying to flower a seed plant too early can result in hesitant plants during flower. If they're not mature enough they can take up to 6 weeks to show sex. From seed, a decent veg' of 4-6 weeks or when they mature (show preflowers), whichever comes sooner.

Whenever it is I move the plants to the flowering stage, I know that this is the switch to 12/12 light cycle with MH bulb. I do this until ‘2/3 of hairs are red’ (or purple in Blueberry’s case). However, White Widow doesn’t seem to have many red hairs. Question: How do I know when it is time to harvest White Widow?
You veg with blue, and flower with red. Blue is MH, red HPS. WW gets red/brown hairs just like any other strain. The white is from the thick layer of trichomes she can deliver.
Thanks for the response!

My new current understanding on sexing: If I just leave in 24 hr lighting then the sex signs show naturally 4-7 weeks into growth.

You might as well veg' properly, which will take around 4-7 weeks depending on the strain. Within this time your strain will mature enough to show either male or female preflowers.
So when you say ‘veg properly’, it seems to me that you are saying not to early sex and just grow these plants through their full life cycle. If this is what you mean, then I should plant more like 20 seeds to guarantee 9 females. Right?
If this is what you are saying, then please let me know why you like this route better than the process I suggested (grow 1 of each-->clone the number I want-->grow the clones and pitch the mothers after a nice blessing). With limited seeds, it seems I should maximize what they can produce for me.

You can early sex your plant by taking clones, but IMO by the time they've rooted your plants will be mature enough to show on their own.
This is where you lose me. Firstly, how do you early sex by taking clones? I thought you determine sex (early or through natural course), then clone females. I didn't think that taking clones determined or produces a certain sex...?

I think you are actually just agreeing that I would lose the mothers if I go my route. I knew this, but prefer to save the seeds and have a controlled outcome. If you meant something else, then please clarify.


Well-Known Member
You get the sex by putting the clones in a 12/12 flowering cycle. Make sure to label the clones so you know which plant they came from.


Well-Known Member
I take a different slant on this for new growers. I still fit the catagory so bear with me. I read about cloning and sexing from several different sources and all I got was confused. Then I did what I thought I should do after reading a few journals etc. Lets go with your nine plants. Since you are new don't worry about sexing yet. Veg your plants until they are they height you want them to be to fit your system. You say you have three meters so height of the plants should not be an issue. You could have those plants four or five feet tall by harvest time. Do keep in mind they will at least double and sometimes triple their size during flowering so lets say you let them get about 15" tall and you are ready to put them in flowering.
Since you know you want to trim off the bottom 1/3 of the plant anyway this is a perfect time to take a few clones. Take at least two from each plant and label which plant they came from.
Put the original 9 on flowering light schedule while you pay attention to getting the clones rooted. There are several good tutorials on cloning including widows, follow one of them.
Two weeks later you will want to trim the bottom 1/3 of the originals once more. Some of them, probably the males, may already be showing sex. If they are, get rid of the males. if not it doesn't matter, take at least two clones again from all the plants you don't know are males. Two weeks later, if you meet the law of averages you will have at least 16 known female clones that have been vegging for four weeks and two weeks. Genetically they will be about the same age. And four females that have been in flowering for four weeks. Now pick some mothers. Hope you have one from each strain. I used this method to go from20 to 80 plants in a couple months. Now I'm working on the mothers.
Your cabinet will be full with 9 plants in soil. Hpoe you ready for something else by the time you start cloning. VV


New Member
My point is that seed plants will show sex in 4-7 weeks of 24/0 VEG. This way you can pick out your males while still in veg and throw them in the bin. You can also select your mom plant.

I take early clones too, and label them, then while the other plants show sex IN VEG, i can throw out the clones that aren't needed. Take one of the mom plants clones to grow as a real mom, and shove ALL the seed plants into flower.

They will be mature, and will already have pistils. On week 2 of flower you will start to see decent bud production. You also use the original mom plant for experiments... like how much feed the strain can take, how long she takes to flower etc. So when your real crop comes through next, you'll be able to pull a good yield from the strain.