my plant broke!


It's been pretty windy at night around my area lately (Mass), and one of my girls actually got snapped at the stem by the wind. Its not completely broken off, but it's pretty bad. Its a small plant because it was started late. Should i just dry and cure it now? Will the bud still be decent?


Well-Known Member
hehehe windy? do you mean yesterday? Because i'd remember yesterday was really windy in the morning. I'd bet we live in the same island.
I had the same problem, get a stick and stick it down in beside it and get like a twisty tie and tie it around the stem and the branch or a shoe lace either way and just mist it down and water it pretty well it'll turn out just fine if it wasnt to bad but make sure you do it ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Do not tape it up leave it. I know it sounds crazy but a really old timer told me this. So this year I took his advice your plant will grow towards the sun. As long as there is bark still attached to the plant you will get good results. Some of the best results I have this year are from plants that broke in HALF and layed on the the ground.


Active Member
Had it happen to me last year really bad. Lost about 1/4 of my crop to a fierce storm. If the branch is still attached to the stem at all, and not completely broken off, then just make a splint and tie it up and it will be fine. I've even heard of people using duct tape to reattach it to the stem with good results. I just grab a small stick and wrap it to the stem with pvc tape ( that green plastic tape they sell at garden supply places) making a splint.
I would not leave it touching the ground though, as its an invitatin to bugs and such, plus getting dirt into the buds sucks.


Well-Known Member
I had a branch snap before, but wasnt completely snapped off. It snapped but still held on together still. I didnt tape it up or anything just left it and it healed itself up.


Well-Known Member
I tie them back up using grafting tape or twine to prevent them from breaking clean off and they do just fine. And I'm talking about large branches.