my plant is mostly pistals


Well-Known Member
Yep that's perfectly normal. Plants do that at the beginning of flowering. When did you switch it to a 12/12 cycle?


Well-Known Member
How far along is the plant, any pics of it. Like it was said some plants are just like that, usually as they continue to flower, they will start to bulk up.


Well-Known Member
its about 5-6 weeks in i will up load some images tomorrow. It's just one main cola because i never topped this time and before any one comments saying it's charlie brows xmas tree don't boaver because before when i used to post images of my old grows peep used to rip on me i don't mean the peeps that have already commented i mean new peep commenting thanks


Active Member
its about 5-6 weeks in i will up load some images tomorrow. It's just one main cola because i never topped this time and before any one comments saying it's charlie brows xmas tree don't boaver because before when i used to post images of my old grows peep used to rip on me i don't mean the peeps that have already commented i mean new peep commenting thanks
5-6 weeks you should have more than pistils coming in, is it sativa? What are you feeding it


Active Member
I'm growing OG Kush aand it has tiny buds with lots of hairs the first 4 weeks. They fatten up nicely the lasy 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
here are the images of her IMG_0481.jpgIMG_0480.jpgsorry there on their side i'm feeding her general hydroponics total bloom one part at 6ml-2lt of water ph 6.5 for light i am using leds i just switched it over to a halgen bulb to take the photo i used to use to halgen bulb for flower before because i can't efford to run hps


Well-Known Member
I reckon they're just developing slowly. That does look a little underdeveloped for 5/6 weeks - but they look good!!! I have some 3 week flower 'Sugar Punch' that look very similar. I have read that LED's can take a little longer. Maybe if you used to grow with HID, the different light source may have produced the difference you have observed (and that lead to you posting this thread).


Active Member
I would use a CFL compact florescent bulb. They're cheap and and don't raise your power bill like a high intensity discharge bulb.


Well-Known Member
38 watts on the leds and if i was using the halogen bulb it's 40 watts do you think bumpping up the food could help or would that just burn the plant
thanks every one for your so far i am also using home made co2 from yeast and suger

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
As Anurism said, grab some CFL's. They're cheap and easy on the power. I don't think you're plants are getting enough light which is why they're taking a while to flower, 1 125w CFL would make a lot of difference, basically leaving 2 light bulbs on in your house..

I would keep the food as it is, most of the time it's because of overfeeding not under. If it's still slow after the 125W CFL installed try bumping up the feed.


Well-Known Member
here are the images of her View attachment 2521826View attachment 2521825sorry there on their side i'm feeding her general hydroponics total bloom one part at 6ml-2lt of water ph 6.5 for light i am using leds i just switched it over to a halgen bulb to take the photo i used to use to halgen bulb for flower before because i can't efford to run hps
The downward curved/cupping of leaves indicates it might have had too much nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I haven't gave it any nitro the only source of nitro would be the flower nutes and the N.P.K is 2-4-7 i did give it a lot in veg tho the fan leaves where almost a dark blackish green like cabbage. I was only giving water a week or two before flower.


Well-Known Member
So I agree it looks like it could use more light, and that CFLs are a cheap way to get it. I run a CFL fixture I made for about 25 bucks (plus bulbs) that puts out a true 200w in a nice 2x3 area. Pics are in my journal first couple pages.

I also agree about the N and I'd prolly do a flush on her to clean her out. Then start feeding again.

Also when did she actually start to show those flowers? That is when you want to start counting the flower time from. If she has been in 12/12 for 5 weeks, but only has been mature and beginning to flower 2 weeks ago(which is what it looks like to me) then I would count from when she showed off her lady parts. This is commonly over looked, and I believe it often leads to people thinking there plants should be done earlier then they will be done.


Well-Known Member
yeah your right but it was three weeks ago she really started shooting out pistals so really she is only on here fourth week in to flower now then is that right other peeps said that you should start from 12-12 so i guess their wrong thanks for clearing this up for me