My plant leaves are turning into yellow help.

Hello guys, today when i wanted to water my plants i released .. some leaves turned into yellow, i don't know why that happened, can anyone help me please? can anyone tell me what nutrients and pH should i use? here is some pictures:



Well-Known Member
looks like they were to close to the cfls
if that's not the case, i hope your not using nutrients that early in growth


Well-Known Member
dude you dont need any nutes at this stage in the plants life unless you wan to kill it i keep my ph between 6.3 and 6.8 maby lights to close have you been feeding them that youung? that might be your problem you can kill you plant with love if you know what i mean. what kind of soil are you useing?


Active Member
The soil and plain water contain all the food that youngin will need for 2 weeks at least. You've stunted them by small containers and feeding them too much too soon. Try transplanting to larger pots and flush with plain water ph adjusted to 6.4. Get 100% runoff you have to flush those roots good. Then, leave them alone for a few days before you do anything.
I never gaved nutriens to my plants, i just don't know what pH i am using, i need to buy the pH test, can anyone suggest me what pH test should i buy and where from? and one last question my plants are 1 week old i think what temperature should i use? on my balcony there is more than 30C
I need to buy a pH test, can anyone suggest me what pH test should i buy and where from? and one last question my plants are 2 week old, what temperature should they have i mean sun light, on my balcony its around 30-35C should i move it to my house inside witch is around 25-30C



Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn. At that early stage you do not need to feed for about two weeks. Your seedlings will get its nourishment from the soil you have planted in it. I myself do feed on seedlings but in very dilute amounts once the first set of true leaves have formed and dont mistake those with the false leaves your see which are called cotyledons.


Well-Known Member
The soil and plain water contain all the food that youngin will need for 2 weeks at least. You've stunted them by small containers and feeding them too much too soon. Try transplanting to larger pots and flush with plain water ph adjusted to 6.4. Get 100% runoff you have to flush those roots good. Then, leave them alone for a few days before you do anything.
bullshit......small container's are good for starting seeds because it allows them to form a strong rootball before going into a larger medium.


Active Member
Those pots are not too small for your babies, transplanting to a bigger pot at this time is only going to make matters worse. Check your ph and what type of water are you using? Get a Hanna Ph meter off of ebay real cheap. you need an accurate way of keeping PH in checck.