My plant seems to be holding its leaves in a funny way, any ideas?


Active Member
Hello fellow forum members!

This is my first grow, and here are some quick specs:
-CFL's for lighting(I will be getting a T5 setup soon)
-Soil(Mixture of regular "Sta-Green" soil and cactus soil for good drainage)
-I have not started any nutes(Soil has a fair amount of nutes in it already)
-There are on their 4th day of flowering
-I slightly overwatered this particular (hopefully)lady about 5 days ago(I let her dry out before watering again)

Well it seems that her leaves are curled in slightly, almost drooping, and I cannot figure out why, as my other plants seem to be doing fine(She is what I believe to be, my only sativa plant, based on her leaves).
Sativa-Leaf problems 003.jpg Sativa-Leaf problems 002.jpgSativa-Leaf problems 001.jpg
The leaves themselves are firm(e.g. If I gently turn them "inside out", they will stay in that position as long as I leave it there), and have no apparent yellowing.

Is this normal?

Any replies will be much appreaciated!


Well-Known Member