My plants all have different run off valves, normal??

Hi all so I’m on day 31 with my auto blue cheese I would say the girls are looking pretty healthy but the thing is all three are coming out with different run off reading although I’m feeding them all the same. So I’m feeding them at ph 5.8 - 6 and my ppm is 800. Growing in 70% coco and 30% perlite

Today fed them with a ph 5.8 and this is my run off values
Plant 1 run off is 568 and ph is 6.3
Plant 2 run off is 760 and ph is 6.0
Plant 3 run off is 786 and ph is 6.2
Does this seem normal? also I’m giving them 600ml feed each but getting 400ml run off I’ve got 10 litres of coco in the pot???
should I start feeding them separate to try balance the ph out or is that fine how is it? Have done loads of research into it all but quite a lot of conflicting information


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Checking the run off will have you constantly chasing your tail.
I only check run off if my plant shows some kind of problem......which hardly ever happens.
Except for the stretching your plants look fine.
Good luck.
I would agree not to worry. Plants will feed differently and your values are close enough to the inputs it doesn't look like you're over feeding, and may be a little under feeding. PH values also seem right as coco has a natural PH of 6.2.

No need to worry about feeding 600ml and only getting 400ml runoff. That's well over the 10-20% most recommend. I'd actually cut back a bit to save yourself money on nutrients.

I also second not chasing the runoff PPMs. Check every week or two if there isn't a problem presenting itself and don't do anything about it unless you see values 400ppm higher or significantly lower and adjust feeding then.
I've been growing in coco for years and have never once checked runoff for pH or ppm's. Worry about what goes in not what comes out. If the plants are healthy leave them alone and continue doing what you're doing. Too many people create problems trying to fix something that doesn't need to be fixed.