my plants and problems nice pics

I have been having problems im finding seeds on my plant
they just started flowering
most are feminized seeds I know they are seeds from hermy plants
but I have not seen seeds in flower just on the stem
on the older calixes. some were very mature seeds
brown and stripes and some green.
I gess I have a hermy plant or 2 am I fucked for getting good bud?
or there will be some ode seeds but clean but?
first time posting so not shure on pics
plant on car is a MALE i pulled he was a ways from the rest.
and some pics of the rest a nice bushie ceres skunk nice plants shit seeds
and some tall greenhouse co moby dicks fem
pics with hand is the seed plant
I have a Auto that is a nonauto and also a hermy bullshit
thats another story
I think ill just get regular seeds next year lol
sorry no spell check lol:hump:
any gess on the old seeds on the plant


bad male


Well-Known Member
The bud Quality wont change much but it will have seeds if full blown hermi or totally pollinated. Of course that means the more seeds the less bud.. But it is still bud none the less. Congrats on the sexy plants sorry for your loss.
there is some old seeds there I could probably plant
how did they get there so fast the pic with my thumb
has a seeds right at the tip. its big and older?
that would mean hermy right
thats seed been growing for a bit now weired shit