My Plants are in flower, is 14hrs of darkness too much


My Plants are in flower, is 14hrs of darkness too much I was thinking it might speed up the budding process all though Ive already sped everything up with my two Dual ACR MH HPS 600watt light set ups Im in my 8th week veg - flower total and have amazing buds better then anything Ive ever seen from friends growers and magazines ! Its all 100% organic using roots organics soil and nuitriants by aroura. Just wasnt sure sence buds grow in the dark if i change the lighting to 10-14 if that will speed things up. day temp is 79 F and humidity is at 27% night time temp around 60-70F everythings is looking goood i know i should be patient but just wanna expierament and have 11 more babys that want to be flowered but no room untill harvest lol. Let me know what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
I don't think so to be honest. Although in latter months in an outdoor cycle the amount of sun will reduce, there is a reason that it is 12/12 though. Realistically MJ only needs 7 hours of direct sunlight. Would be interesting to see if it works though...


thanks guys for the quick replys deff alot of help i think im just gonna keep em at 12/12 any one know how LEDs are for flowering My first grow is in flower my second grow was started 13 days later in a smaller grow tent with 4 90watt triband LEDs the veg state differance is amazing LEDs are deff the way to go for veg! Ive been told to just switch them to the bigger tent with the two dual acr 600watt hps mh systems for flower cause the LEDs wont do the trick? The 4 LEDs are equivlent to 1000watts of hps and mh. but not intense enough for my Co2 set up. Just sucks i dont have the room in my budding tent for the second grow cause i was told today by a very smart longtime grower they are well ready for flower and will produce bigger and tighter buds. I think the first time vegging with the 1200watts of hps and mh and using the Co2 made the plants grow too big and too fast which caused spaced out nodes. idk any ideas?