My plants don't like sunlight.


Hey guy. I need your help. I have 4 plants and I think they've become intolerant to direct sunlight.

I had them in pots outside. Then a month and a half go the neighbors were doing some repairs on their roof, so I had to hide my plants behind a stained glass door that leads to my backyard. I left them there for 2 weeks and when the neighbors were finished with their repairs I put them outside in direct sunlight again, and they started drooping to the point I thought they were going to die so I took them inside again. This way they only receive light through the door for 3 or 4 hours. Every time I try to take them out, they droop again.

I planted them from seeds on April 10th, and they're 80 cms tall (2 feet, 5 inches aprox). Is this ok? I think if they were able to go into the sunlight the'd be taller. What can I do about it? Electricity is expensive as hell here and I can't put them under light bulbs.