My plants looks like it has phosphorus deficiency ??

Are you still on veg. Looks like you had some heat issues and if still in veg I’d say you need some more nitrogen. The plant is starting to feed on its self to me you shouldn’t really be needing phosphorus yet as thats for flower production.
Are you still on veg. Looks like you had some heat issues and if still in veg I’d say you need some more nitrogen. The plant is starting to feed on its self to me you shouldn’t really be needing phosphorus yet as thats for flower production.
I think it’s just starting to flower there’s stigmas popping up everywhere
I’m not a coco grower but your plant looks hungry and wouldn’t be needing any phosphorus yet what is your ec and what are you feeding with. It’s going to use a lot more nitrogen during the preflower stretch
It is becoming hungry in general. You can pick the various signs like a cal def or low N etc but it's a case it needs to be fed!

Have confidence and dont change anything too fast.
I don't understand the logic behind flushing if you have a deficiency. If there wasn't enough of something before there's going to be even less after flushing. Am I missing something here?

Good luck
I was feeding it when the leaves started changing so I tried flushing but it got worse so ig I need to feed a lot more