my plants r getting worse help!!!!


ok so in posted the other day the a purpleish red speckles on them... now i have cooled the room down to about 78 day time n 70 over night.... noticed this morning that one plant has some yellowing spots on lowerSANY0829.jpgSANY0828.jpgSANY0827.jpgSANY0825.jpgSANY0824.jpgSANY0826.jpgSANY0829.jpgSANY0828.jpgSANY0827.jpgSANY0825.jpgSANY0824.jpgSANY0826.jpg leaves..... i am worried i am gonna lose this plant and dont want that at all.... any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
wow never seen that b4. i dont know man that can be alot of things. the only things i can see are that it looks like shes getting either too much or not enough nutes. what is wierd to me is that the plant looks like its wilting from not enough water but then it also looks like its getting too many nutes(i.e. the spots). so maybe your nute mix is off when your watering.(like too much nutes not enough water) hit me back and let me know what your nute mix is and what your watering shedule is and lighting shedule. happy growing


Well-Known Member
What soil and nutes are you using? I can tell you right now you definitely have some sort of nute imbalance going on. The dark green color of the rest of your plant tells me that you may have too much Nitrogen. As for the other leaf it could be changing colors due to the Nitrogen locking something else out and it is showing in that one leaf. When you make changes do it one thing at a time and wait to see what happens, you don't want to make a bunch of changes and kill the thing. Also, whats your watering schedule? The drooping could be from overwatering or underwatering and have nothing to do with that other leaf.


I water every 3rd day n 1cup per plant n supper thrive 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. soil moisture control miracle grow. lights are on 17 off 7