My Project


I have read alot on these forums, posted a few times, read some books and watch a load of DVD's last night and I think I am nearly prepared for me adventure.

I am going to start with:

- a 80x80x120 DarkRoom tent
- 800 Watt HPS with a canopy
- 2 oscillator fans (top facing downward, bottom facing upward)
- Intake and outtake fans for air exchange
- Dehumidifier (for keeping humidity right)

I do not have the room to vegitate seperately, so what I am thinking of doing is keeping a smaller tent, with a smaller Watt light and a single oscillator fan just for keeping the mother and for cloning. Once I have the clones set up, place them in the big tent for vegitation and flowering. At least until I get the money to move onto a bigger scale.

I'll be using a soilless mixture, spraying the plants with airated water. I was looking on a CO2 tank, but for my first grow I might leave that out.

How does this sound? I'm hoping it's possible to make 1/2 a pound a time, but not getting my hopes up. I've seen someone do 1/4 of a pound in a small space, but my idea to quickly grow. After the first grow I might buy another setup for flowering and vegging so I can have a continiuous cycle going.

But I understand the size of the tents are going to limit what I can grow and how much I can yeild.

Any views/opinions much appreciated.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
800w is a bit OTT for an 80x80x120 DR youll have heat problems unless you cooltube i use a 1.2x1.2x2m tent and a 600w is ample. good luck!!


Well-Known Member
800w HPS are you using 2 400's?

I think it will get pretty hot in there unless your using cool tubes