My question... organic/chemical what?!


Active Member
Alright so, say I'm growing organic - I don't need to give anything to my plant besides water, hell you don't even have to PH anything! Right?!

Ok! So what if I'm not growing with a super-soil organic medium... and I'm using chemical liquid ferts - what type of soil should I be using for that?

I've read if you give an organic plant chemical liquid ferts then it defeats the whole purpose of growing organic.

Just trying to wrap my head around this and get ready for my next grow.


Active Member
1. Wrong. you need to check the ph of your water every time. You also need to check your soils PH as well. It should be close to 7. If not adjust with hydrated lime. You only need to run pure water if your soil is charged(has nutes).

2. You dont want soil you want soiless. From MG to Promix there are many soiless mixtures out there. Promix HP-CC is my favorite. It is not charged, so you must feed when you water.

3. you are right, it def defeats the purpose.

You may want to look into Biocanna. It is the best organic Fert I have used to date. Best taste, and good yield. Still, nothing beats AN Sensi G and B for shear production.

Good Luck!


Active Member
1. Wrong. you need to check the ph of your water every time. You also need to check your soils PH as well. It should be close to 7. If not adjust with hydrated lime. You only need to run pure water if your soil is charged(has nutes).

2. You dont want soil you want soiless. From MG to Promix there are many soiless mixtures out there. Promix HP-CC is my favorite. It is not charged, so you must feed when you water.

3. you are right, it def defeats the purpose.

You may want to look into Biocanna. It is the best organic Fert I have used to date. Best taste, and good yield. Still, nothing beats AN Sensi G and B for shear production.

Good Luck!
Well this is all your opinion. Why would you check the ph of your water every time you water. Are you kidding me? Really. Soil is fantastic why are you advising against that. It also has a great buffering ability for your ph so you dont need to test it every time. To the OP Even while growing in organic soil you may need to add amendments based on what you soil composition is. Yes you can get a high quality organic soil and just use water the whole damn time. NON PHed water by the way. Tap water and you will get bud. Might not be the best but whatever. But you need to watch your plants to see what they are telling you. There is organic supplements like blood/bone meal for example. Organic is just a feel good movement IMO. Everything is made up of " chemicals ". What you eat is made up of chemicals. Everything ! So dont be afraid to give your plant liquid " chemicals ". The plants does not care. Just do some research on it. There is even organic liquid nutes. In general a good soil wether organic or not with a good set a nutes is the key to success. No magic. Dyna gro is a great product. Less is more. Keep it simple. Hope it helps Good luck Check this out chalker-scott/horticultural myths_files/Myths/Organic superiority.pdf


Active Member
This is actually much more simple than you may think. If you want to grow organic you can use a bagged organic soil from the store, or your own homemade compost. You can grow without fertilizer if you have a rich organic soil, but you will almost always benefit more from using and organic fertilizer. There are many types to choose from, from worm castings (worm poo), to liquid seaweed solutions, bat guano and more. Growing organically will ensure minimal stress on your plants, and a super smooth smoke. On the other hand you have synthesized chemical fertilizers and grow mediums. When growing with chemical ferts it's best to start with a plain potting soil, (something without "slow release plant food"). Most of them are really easy to use, just follow feeding instructions on the package. Be careful not to use to much, as this can have adverse effects. After all is said and done, chemical ferts tend to yield more, but this added mass comes with a harsher smoke. Growers will normally feed their plants water only for the last two weeks of flower in order to minimize this.

I hope this will help you in your future grow. If you are just starting out I would recommend an organic approach. You pretty much can't go wrong. Good luck!