My room


Active Member
good or bad idea ?room size length 4 meters width 2 meters height 4 meters
the summer months get hot so we put a fan outside the room to control incoming air
6 speed contols so we can get the room a nice temp

extraction 6 speed controls and light proof tubing

table home made 8 pots@8 ltrs per pot we have two 2pot systems which fit on the sides

1200ltr pump 1/4 inch connection to a series of tubes x24 3 per pot also air pump to keep a good air water mix ..every 3hrs pump on for 4 mins does the job sweet.i will say air cant get enough of it loves it

random pic of light i know it dont work on the floor should be hanging lolz..we use a pole so we can move the light side to side give plants more light if needed

table in flow

these were CHEESE and imo i would not do that strain again
next load of pics later ..NEBULA 6th week you'll be suprised how well this system works no mite or bugs as we keep the room very clean
house and garden nutes a+b,, pk,,bud xl all i use on flower period

wait till you see the nebula ...its growing a treat



Active Member
NEBULA start of week 6 ...just added pk and some bud xl 3-4 more weeks on feed then a few days of just plain water... about 68 days (start to end flower cycle)give or take afew days will post some more as we go to the end ...any comments please feel free to add

