My seed has sprouted lol


Active Member
I make and plant in the room with the wardrobe, I will publish the article and plant the diary, but I have a question now

1.I choose to begin 24/0 as growth period after sprouting?is ok?

2.How often should I water once

3.I bought one kind and is suitable for special-purpose liquid fertilizer of seedling Proportion: 9-4-4 Can this kind be used? How many times should be diluted

Which kind of proportion of fertilizer or can recommend me to use in Veg.

4.Water and and apply fertilizer Is it Separate

thanks your responce


Well-Known Member
yeh 24/0 is fine,i prefer 18/6 but thats coz i use a hid from the start,,,,,
water the soil before you put seedlings in the soil,,dont drench the soil tho,,then just mist ya seedlings from time to time especially if its a little too hot for seedlings and just spray water the soil when it looks dry on top,,,obviously the way you water ya plants will change when there a little older but when there seedlings you shouldnt let the soil dry out.i duno about the fertilizer your using but i start with a quarter stength when my plants are about 3weeks old then up it abit each time i water,,,,i never give my plants full strength,,,,,, 3quarters at most when there flowering.peace.


Active Member
Asked you use fertilizer florescence? Vegetal period? Nitrogen
phosphorus potassium proportion?
Vegetal period how long fertilizer does how long water time of
florescence how long fertilizer how long to water time?


Well-Known Member
dont add anything for the first 2 -3 weeks. . . If your going to use fertilzer just follow the directions on the bottle.. add the fert mix to the water and water normally.. only use it every other watering ( ie.. day 1, water, day 2 still wet doesnt need water, day 3 water with fert, day 4 still wet, day 5 water etc....) but DO NOT ADD ANYTHING FOR ABOUT 3 WEEKS.. you will burn it