My seedlings died and idk why

But why did they became like this?
I really couldn't tell you. I have never grown outdoors. A bird could of landed on it maybe? or the wind blew it over? There is too many things to go wrong with plants outside, you need to leave them inside first to harden off and then bring them outside when they are bigger. Maybe next time you could start them off under a 250watt CFL bulb inside your home to get them going before you put them outside? Your soil doesn't look the best either, it's very clumpy.
I really couldn't tell you. I have never grown outdoors. A bird could of landed on it maybe? or the wind blew it over? There is too many things to go wrong with plants outside, you need to leave them inside first to harden off and then bring them outside when they are bigger. Maybe next time you could start them off under a 250watt CFL bulb inside your home to get them going before you put them outside? Your soil doesn't look the best either, it's very clumpy.
Yeah is still super weir that both of them became like this, maybe because I sprinkled some water near them to keep em moist and it was hot outside and they were in the sun?
But it's not totally dead, it just needs support. It's growing towards the sunlight and stretching towards it which is why it has fell over
Yeah is still super weir that both of them became like this, maybe because I sprinkled some water near them to keep em moist and it was hot outside and they were in the sun?
I think it has probably fell over due to the fact it is stretching towards the sunlight, prop it up with some toothpicks, or something that will stop it from falling over.
Watering problems plague seedlings and new growers.. Either they water too much and it kills them or they don't water enough and it dries them out.. This kills more seedlings then it should.
That's why I use coco instead of soil, because it's impossible to overwater coco. And you get better results in coco. Bigger plants
Watering problems plague seedlings and new growers.. Either they water too much and it kills them or they don't water enough and it dries them out.. This kills more seedlings then it should.
Don t think over watering it was pretty hot outside and I tried to keep em moist that s all
Ive been growing outdoors for years, I have yet to have a seedling just fall over and die from the wind and we get very heavy winds here.. The main reasons seedlings kick the bucket are watering issues "rather it be too much, not enough" or just old worn out genetics.. I highly doubt wind caused this seedling to just flop over and wilt up like that.
Yeah we did forget to ask about your soil.. Is this fresh soil, re used soil? What's the story with your soil?
looks like dampened off but it's not clear from the pic
maybe start in sterile environment or peat jiffies?
some soil is just full of pathogens
I'd take that into an oven at 120°C half an hour or water with H2O2 before setting something in
It has worm humus in it but the soil has peat moss etc
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I took a quick look at canna terra, I have never used this soil before so I have 0 experience with this soil.. From what Im reading this soil already has nutrients in it.. From a quick look I don't see the ratio of nutrients in this soil.. If the soil is too hot this too will kill a seedling..