My Setup


hey everybody this is going to be my first grow and here's what i've been working on for the last couple days. the room is 69'' wide, 56'' deep, and 96'' tall. i built the table to be about waist height, so it's 31'' off the ground. there's an 18 gallon reservoir under the table with a 250gph pump going through 3/4'' valves. i'm planning to flood these pots every 2 or 3 hours with a combo of flora nova and something else, i haven't decided on it yet. the power strip has 4 timed sockets and 4 always on sockets. the only thing i'm really missing is my lights and a more sophisticated exhaust system. let me know what you guys think, i could use all the constructive criticism i can get. the buckets are 11'' tall and have clay balls a little over half way in them. i made it so the flood will reach even the smallest of roots, it will come up to about an inch under the surface of the clay balls. i know i don't have to do this, but i just want to be sure that i will be able to flood a little clone i put in there. is this ok or is it overkill? is flooding every 2 or 3 hours too much? what has experience shown you guys? also i know that voodoo juice is good with that carb boost stuff, but is it ok with flora nova? i was planning on getting a hood with 8 2' T5s built that release like 10,000 lumens. i'd probably lower it on ropes real close like or something and slowly lift it with the grow. good idea? i've got the 1ml mylar stuff hung up with the hydrofarm shiny tape. it waves a little from the fans, but i mean really minute movement, like in the mm. should i worry about hot spots or does it look ok? i was thinking about putting pins or tacks in if i have to, to make it taunt. i think i have the exhaust on lock, airflow isn't too hard to figure out. should i go with my idea for the 8 2' lights or should i get a little 150 watt hid or something? like i said this is my first grow so please feel free to babble on.



i think that a 400-600w HPS/MH would be just about perfect for the size of your room and number of plants.


i think that a 400-600w HPS/MH would be just about perfect for the size of your room and number of plants.
i would love to but with both bulbs, ballast, hood, and possibly exhaust costs it's just too expensive for this first grow. i mean unless there's a place i can get all that for 300 or less.

oh snap,

tough decisions. but if i find a cheap hid system i'll get it, and i'll keep this thread updated until i'm all setup. so it's alright that the mylar is waving a bit?