My Shoplight keeps shutting off! Help!


Active Member
Right now I'm using a shoplight with two 48" florescents and 4 cfl's in assorted fixtures and reflectors.... The problem is... randomly my shoplight will shut off and in order to get it back on, I have to take off the three-prong adapter unplug the power strip that it and the cfls are plugged into and shut it all of and then hook it all back up.. The light will stay on for random amounts of time. Sometimes 5 minutes sometimes all night... very strange and I dont know what to do.

I was wondering if it had to do with the ground issue considering i have to plug all my lights into a surge protector then into the timer. My timer isn't a three prong so i have to use that adapter.. That's the only thing I can think of.. any suggestions? Thanks in advance


Active Member
does anyone have an answerrr.. pleeease i dont want to give my plants too little light.. i want to make sure their happy :)


Well-Known Member
yeah sounds like the circuit breaker cutting off at the power strip, try using multiple lines maybe.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like overheating or your ground. You will find that if you use the proper components instead of just throwing things together with things you have laying around, stuff will work a little smoother.


Active Member
i think that might be the problem victor, i have a bunnnch of stuff in my room on that circuit, im gonna try running my computer and mini-fridge off of another and see if that helps...