my soon to be set up need advice


What's uppp
New here and well lookin for some advice to maximize my personal grow
My set up may contain
Hps 400-600 watt not sure yet??? Help
Grow medium:
1/3 peatmoss
1/3 vermiculite
1/3 perlite
Main fertilizers nitrogen phosphorus and potassium
and other trace elements
In a closet set up out in a country house normaly good humidity and warm wether
How am i looking??? Need help
Looking to get" white widow" or big bud off i think its marijuana
??^ good site?
any info will helpppp thank
- Coop


the best advice to give you is read a book on the subject before asking ANYONE for advice. By reading your specs I would get rid of the vermiculite (your using perlite which is white and will reflect the light back up to the underside of the plant which is a good thing). I would add cocoa instead and as far as the nutrients go, yes, you wrote that you are using N-P-K as your fertilizers, but are the organic or synthetic, you leave alot out.... Nitrogen works on heigth and leaf strength, Phos works of budding, potash works for roots, Caw!
Check out hydrofarm sunburst. they have a 400w convertible mh hps light system. i picked mine up for 150 on free shipping and for an extra 70 bucks you can buy a fan that attaches to it so its an air cooled set up. Or if youve got the money check out leds. you can buy 300w led lights for like $650 on amazon. and they supposedly emit as much light as a 1000w hps but it doesnt emit heat. and for seeds check out the attitude. they have good deals on seeds and you get freebies. i"d recommend mandala. they use land race strains and they dont need much assistance so easy for beginners. i started some hashberry and they look awesome.​


Sorry about leaving out alot im new i've read alott i dont have any physical things in my posession to give details
and im in the us
also im looking to use all cash no internet for products besides seeds
is that possibble?? Do stores sell all these needed materials?
thanks guys- Coop