My sproutas


Active Member
I planted my sprouts into soil two nights ago. I havne't seen any growth above the soil yet, the sprout was an inch long coming of each seed. The soil became a little to dry for a period of time after the first night but it was made good and moist once again after a few of hours(it wasn't dry dry just dry). I have a heater blowing warm not hot air over the pots because the cabin is a little cold, i also have a window opened a crack to allow a small amount of fresh air to enter. The pots are surrounded by musical insturments drums and an electric guitar, that mainly play hardcore/metal, which we just finished playing. I have heard that music is good for plants but im not sure if this is good, i don't think it will hurt them although we will refrain from playing till they poke above the ground. So should i be worried that nothing has grown above the ground after 2 nights and should i be worried about the vibrations from the instruments?


Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem. Mine took a long time just to germinate, it's still taking days for all of them to sprout out of the soil. Now there are growing but not that fast. I was wondering if it matters if they are slow growers?