My stealth grow box , Tell me what you think

So Im new to growing and i've made my grow room and my seeds are germinating its been two days so far but they have'nt done anything so im a little skeptical , Hopefully they'll pop outta there shell they're about a year

but check my room out (:

Dimensions of it are 3 feet high X A foot deep and about 10in wide

equipped with 5 Light fixtures , Whats cool is I took the lighting of a ceiling fan and it has three fixtures built in (: I thought it was pretty crafty and it was FREE!

Small micro grow im going to put two plants in it ... if they ever germinate.

Im going to add about four 2700 lumen 23 watt daylight bulbs
The bulb in the picture was just to test to see if it was light proof and it is (:
Ventilation are holes in the box covered with black felt-Lightproof

its a fish tank standing uptright too (:
Im going to be adding small brushless Computer fans soon two of three of em
So yeah its pretty ghetto but hopefully it'll get the job done!(:

Comments&Suggestions&telling me what you think would be nice ,,



Active Member
well i dont know if id call it "stealth"

but it seems functional. get differant bulbs go with the highest wattage cfl (compact florescent) you can find, incandescent bulbs are too hot for that box, and pull too many watts for that setup