my tap water is 400 ppm out of the faucet, this bad for hydro?

Dirty jersey

Active Member
Going to take my second shot at dwc and was curious if my tap water being between 360 2 400 from the faucet was something that was bad for hydro setups and what I can do to.make my water cleaner, can't afford an RO machine so what other options do I have . I heard Brita water filters work but also heard mixed reviews.

People with.similar problems, how did yot handle this? Thanks
RO/DI machines can be pretty cheap, I got mine for like 65 bucks shipped, and i just screw it into my bathroom sink...produces 0ppm water.
that is high but not unheard of. before you spend money remove all screens and filters you might have on the faucet and clean them or test without them.
All you have to do is unscrew the aerator for your bathroom sink, and this unit comes with an adapter that screws right in it's place. You could also get one that connects to a garden hose/spigot, and some other options I think. Ready to use right out of the box(well, gotta pop the membrane filter into place).
This is the exact model I own...In fact, I'm making water for a water change right now, using this exact machine. It's brilliant...slow...but for the price, and the fact that it actually works(tested with my TDS meter to 0ppm), can't beat it. I originally got it for my reef tanks, and coral reefs need better water than MJ, I assure you.

That's a pretty good deal. I paid over a hundred for mine and had to buy the faucet adapter separately.
That's a pretty good deal. I paid over a hundred for mine and had to buy the faucet adapter separately.

Right? And the best part is, it WORKS....I've made over 200 gallons on all the original filters, still coming out 0ppm. The only real downside is you gotta buy a new unit every year, but at 66 bucks, that's an expense I can afford for clean water for my grow.
Yep dont waste money on brita filters buy the portable ro di if u search ebay good u might find a150 gpd with faucet quick connect under 90.
I tried the mr clean spotless gun junk waste money i got about 5 gallons at 60ppm then i tested it and it was over 480 ppm oh plus i bought a few zero water filters and many many gallons of water at the store.
BUY THE portable ro di system.
Please forgive my donkish,noobie ignorance!,im new to hydro & have just joined this site to get a bit of help if poss.

I got my EC/PPM meter in the post today & my tap water is reading 0.95 . & this is my total noob question !...... Do i NEED to lower this? (see,told you i was a total noob!),well i guess i do but why?.... Having read this & other threads it seems that EC/PPM is better the closer to zero it is ?,if so then i guess my tap water of 0.95 is a bad thing ?.After i have added all the nutes ect im guessing it will go alot higher than this ?,yet early veg stage surgests you would want PPM to be around 0.8 & here lies my problem,im at 0.95 before i even start? .

Do i disregard the original tap waters PPM & subtract this from the meter reading after all nutes have been added (as there considered dead nutes anyway)?.Or is the tap waters base PPM important & does it factor into my final reading ?. In a nutshell ..... How should i,& why should i combat the high PPM in my tap water?.

I feel a bit of a retard asking this after reading all the other advanced & in depth posts on this thread,but its in context with the subject matter & i need to get this sorted before i start my 1st AUTOFLOWER/DWC/LED grow !.
