My tips are curling!


Active Member
I have some new clones growing id with a 400 watt high pressure sodium bulb. Their about 4-5 inches tall and i've had them about a week now but when i woke up this morning the tips were all curled up? I used some fox farm fertilizer on then when i feed them last. I might of put to much. Are they done for? Is there anything i can do to help them?
heres some pics, there not that good but i guess it's better than nothin



Well-Known Member
shes hot d00d, the leafs are curling because ur drying out the leafs. IMHO i think u got a lil bit 2 much wattage for those lil plants. add water to the soil if it feels dry, usually check it about a inch or 2 down. just stick ur finger in it. dont nute it yet its still young. u got enough nutes in the soil. just add water but dont over water it. if u can let it get some sunlight, that would prolly help it. hps is good for veging. not fert. Metal Halide is good for fertilizing.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend putting those puppies underneath some flo's for the time being, the hps is way to hot for the clones or move the hps as far away as possible.


Active Member
hi when i start clones it is best to start them under a fluorescent light for the first couple weeks until the roots are going good. the reason your leafs are curling is because they are to hot this is my opinion thanks.


Active Member
forgot it would be a good idea to flush them under water until the water runs clear this should flush out most of the fertilizer.