My Uncle Could Rip coins With his Fingers


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to throw this out..

My uncle who passed back in 2014 was a local legend who was on ”Thats Incredible” back in 82..Theres a 5 second clip somewhere on youtube, we could never get the old footage from the source.....

He could easily tear any coin in half leaving imprints of his fingers into the coin...He could also put the coin between his teeth and tear it in half with his fingers...Also he could twist a lug nut off a vehicle with just his fingers...

I think he tore a can full of coins for thats incredible and they didnt even pay him anything....The bones would bruise the next day....

People from the states would be mesmerized and some skeptical....Before he died I showed him that indian tearing coins and he got pissed, claiming he be the only one in the world that could do it...I dont know if those other vids are fake but I grew up with my uncle and seen it all a thousand times....

Whether you believe or not, my uncle had a gift of strength from god......Im sure I have a coin with his thumb print imprinted into it....

I just thought I would share and dont want to debate at all weather im speaking the truth or not...Liars are beneath me

I might have posted this years ago, I dunno but I miss his crazy hoarding ass

I'm 71 and I'd give anything to have strong fingers and hands again due to arthritis and shit. Amazing strength and possibly "mind over matter" in his case. Remember Yuri Geller? He only bent coins and spoons by simply rubbing them, he never ripped them apart though!!
Theres been many people that have been able to bend coins, and all kinds of other crazy stuff.

A dime is harder to do than a quarter.

Mike Dayton is generally considered to have the strongest fingers ever by a human. He can, or has bent most every coin type there is. Gotta also consider newer coins are harder to bend than coins that are all silver, or copper
At the 1979 Worlds Strongest man event, Mike won the Wrst Roller competition, despite being the second smallest guy in the contest, which was Franco Colombu who could bench 540lbs at 181lbs, Deadlift 750lbs, and Squat 640lbs.
Mike is also #2 to Paul Anderson in the Backlift. The record has stoodof or over 50 years. 6000lbs+. Anderson weighed about 350. Dayton weighed 215lbs, and could swim 50 miles in the open ocean. Mikes in his 70s now.
On Guiness Book of World Records Show on TV in 1984 I believe it was, Mike tore an LA phone book in half Long Ways so you can cheat, and break the spine, he bent a metal file, a screwdriver, tore 3 license plates in half, busted an NBA basketball, smashed a cinder block, and a baseball bat, all in under 3 minutes.
He was #2 in the world in Pullups. 212 pullups, and 215lbs. World record was 271 by Curd Emmonds of Glascow Ky at 178lbs... 71 years of age too. His son went on to break the record.
Mike is also on record several times of surviving a Regulation Hanging, and then getting out of a straight jacket.

Mike is also Chinese Kung Fu CHI MASTER. His instructors, instructor, was Mas Oyama, who is know for, the God Hand. Don Buck was his Master. Buck was Oyamas prize student, and could lift a 180lbs man over his head with his little finger.

Mr. America, 1976 Kung-fu Master Ch'i Gong Kyokushin ...

Developing the Worlds Strongest Hands- Mike Dayton
May 01, 2014 · - Mike Dayton - His study of Chi has been gaining popularity, but he still remains best known for his extraordinary feats of strength. Mike's most fabulous feats involve the use of hand and arm strength, such as bending coins, breaking handcuffs, tearing tennis balls and smashing baseball bats.
I just wanted to throw this out..

My uncle who passed back in 2014 was a local legend who was on ”Thats Incredible” back in 82..Theres a 5 second clip somewhere on youtube, we could never get the old footage from the source.....

He could easily tear any coin in half leaving imprints of his fingers into the coin...He could also put the coin between his teeth and tear it in half with his fingers...Also he could twist a lug nut off a vehicle with just his fingers...

I think he tore a can full of coins for thats incredible and they didnt even pay him anything....The bones would bruise the next day....

People from the states would be mesmerized and some skeptical....Before he died I showed him that indian tearing coins and he got pissed, claiming he be the only one in the world that could do it...I dont know if those other vids are fake but I grew up with my uncle and seen it all a thousand times....

Whether you believe or not, my uncle had a gift of strength from god......Im sure I have a coin with his thumb print imprinted into it....

I just thought I would share and dont want to debate at all weather im speaking the truth or not...Liars are beneath me

I might have posted this years ago, I dunno but I miss his crazy hoarding ass

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That's pretty sweet. Sometimes I struggle to get the peanut butter jar open. Do you have any nudes of your uncle?
I just wanted to throw this out..

My uncle who passed back in 2014 was a local legend who was on ”Thats Incredible” back in 82..Theres a 5 second clip somewhere on youtube, we could never get the old footage from the source.....

He could easily tear any coin in half leaving imprints of his fingers into the coin...He could also put the coin between his teeth and tear it in half with his fingers...Also he could twist a lug nut off a vehicle with just his fingers...

I think he tore a can full of coins for thats incredible and they didnt even pay him anything....The bones would bruise the next day....

People from the states would be mesmerized and some skeptical....Before he died I showed him that indian tearing coins and he got pissed, claiming he be the only one in the world that could do it...I dont know if those other vids are fake but I grew up with my uncle and seen it all a thousand times....

Whether you believe or not, my uncle had a gift of strength from god......Im sure I have a coin with his thumb print imprinted into it....

I just thought I would share and dont want to debate at all weather im speaking the truth or not...Liars are beneath me

I might have posted this years ago, I dunno but I miss his crazy hoarding ass

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Your uncle sounds like he was a true legend man. Hope he's at peace and chilling man. Solute to your uncle.
Thanks for sharing abit of his story with us