Well-Known Member
I just wanted to throw this out..
My uncle who passed back in 2014 was a local legend who was on ”Thats Incredible” back in 82..Theres a 5 second clip somewhere on youtube, we could never get the old footage from the source.....
He could easily tear any coin in half leaving imprints of his fingers into the coin...He could also put the coin between his teeth and tear it in half with his fingers...Also he could twist a lug nut off a vehicle with just his fingers...
I think he tore a can full of coins for thats incredible and they didnt even pay him anything....The bones would bruise the next day....
People from the states would be mesmerized and some skeptical....Before he died I showed him that indian tearing coins and he got pissed, claiming he be the only one in the world that could do it...I dont know if those other vids are fake but I grew up with my uncle and seen it all a thousand times....
Whether you believe or not, my uncle had a gift of strength from god......Im sure I have a coin with his thumb print imprinted into it....
I just thought I would share and dont want to debate at all weather im speaking the truth or not...Liars are beneath me
I might have posted this years ago, I dunno but I miss his crazy hoarding ass

My uncle who passed back in 2014 was a local legend who was on ”Thats Incredible” back in 82..Theres a 5 second clip somewhere on youtube, we could never get the old footage from the source.....
He could easily tear any coin in half leaving imprints of his fingers into the coin...He could also put the coin between his teeth and tear it in half with his fingers...Also he could twist a lug nut off a vehicle with just his fingers...
I think he tore a can full of coins for thats incredible and they didnt even pay him anything....The bones would bruise the next day....
People from the states would be mesmerized and some skeptical....Before he died I showed him that indian tearing coins and he got pissed, claiming he be the only one in the world that could do it...I dont know if those other vids are fake but I grew up with my uncle and seen it all a thousand times....
Whether you believe or not, my uncle had a gift of strength from god......Im sure I have a coin with his thumb print imprinted into it....
I just thought I would share and dont want to debate at all weather im speaking the truth or not...Liars are beneath me
I might have posted this years ago, I dunno but I miss his crazy hoarding ass