Mycorrizhal, humus and fulvic acid...


wanting to add some mykes to my organic grow as has been suggested, i went on down to my local hydro store today...

picked up these products, from a company out of New Mexico - Soil Secrets

i don't know if anybody has heard of or tried these before... but it was really decently priced, and also had lots of other stuff that i've seen is good for the plants... meaning the fulvic acid and humus...

any thoughts, questions, or whatever about these? this is only my 2nd grow, and i've never been much of a gardener before... but i've kinda been obsessed about all this since first starting and well, i wanna learn as much as i can...

SOIL SECRETS "Earth Nectar" and "Earth Ambrosia"

-earth ambrosia - for use in soil or hydroponic gardens... Our liquid humus (Humic Substances) is gently teased into solution via microbial action. Because of this biological process, our liquid humus is low in salts and any negative salt effects are minimized. Its purpose is to help the delivery system of Earth Nectar's living culture of biologically active soil beneficial organisms plus the other known benefits of Humus... ingredients= Cultured Humus, specific soil microorganisms and water

-earth nectar - liquid mycorrhizal inoculant plus beneficial microorganisms... Liquid compost concentrate with mutualistic microorganisms selected for their synergistic ability to help make soil nutrients available to plants. A complete liquid inoculant of indigenous microorganisms plus mycorrizae for 'restoring the biology of soils.' Made from liquified compost using our exclusive enzyme digestive process... ingredients= bacterial dominated compost, fungal dominated compost, whole seaweed, extract of seaweed, earthworm castings, fulvic acid and cultured humus.
they got gleeo and t-harz by cutting edge solutions outa santa rosa and also nirvana by advanced i believe. both good stuff.